

flip-image <input> <output> [options]


Swaps the two image dimensions at a time, in the order of the input options. Both, the image data and the coordinates of the image origin are swapped each time an input option is processed. To swap the image axes instead of the origin, use the flip-image -axes option before the swap options. This option should be used to reorder the image dimensions without changing the world coordinates of the voxels. When swapping of the coordinate axes is enabled, the coordinates of the image origin are kept the same, i.e., flip-image -origin is ignored. The default behavior is to swap the image data and the coordinates of the image origin. This may in many cases not have the desired effect, but has been this way already for some time.

Command options

-axes [on|off]

Enable/disable swapping of the coordinate axes. (default: off)


Disable swapping of the coordinate axes.

-origin [on|off]

Enable/disable swapping of the origin coordinates. (default: on)


Disable swapping of the origin coordinates.


Reflect image data along x dimension.


Reflect image data along y dimension.


Reflect image data along z dimension.


Reflect image data along t dimension.

-xy, -yx

Swap x and y dimension.

-xz, -zx

Swap x and z dimension.

-xt, -tx

Swap x and t dimension.

-yz, -zy

Swap y and z dimension.

-yt, -ty

Swap y and t dimension.

-zt, -tz

Swap z and t dimension.

Standard options

-v, -verbose [n]

Increase/Set verbosity of output messages. (default: 0)

-debug [level]

Increase/Set debug level for output of intermediate results. (default: 0)

-version [major.minor]

Print version and exit or set version to emulate.


Print revision (or version) number only and exit.

-h, -help

Print help and exit.