

remesh-surface <input> <output> [options]


Remeshes a surface mesh such that the resulting mesh has an average edge length within the specified limits. The input surface mesh is triangulated when necessary before the local remeshing passes.



Input surface mesh.


Output surface mesh.

Command options

-target <file>

Find closest cell points on target surface and use these as new point locations. (default: use points of input mesh)

-edgelength <float>...

Average edge length. (default: [0, inf)

-min-edgelength <float>...

Minimum edge length. (default: 0)

-max-edgelength <float>...

Maximum edge length. (default: inf)

-adaptive-edgelength <name>

Name of point data array to use for adapting the edge length range. (default: none)

-melting-order <none|area|shortest>

Order in which to process cells in melting pass. (default: area)

-melt-nodes, -nomelt-nodes

Whether to allow removal of adjacent nodes with connectivity three during melting pass. (default: yes)

-melt-triangles, -nomelt-triangles

Whether to melt triangles when all three edges are too short. (default: no)

-invert-long-edges, -noinvert-long-edges

Enable/disable inversion of triangles sharing one too long edge. (default: no)

-invert-min-height, -noinvert-min-height

Enable/disable inversion of triangles when it increases the minimum height. (default: yes)


Disable -invert-long-edges and -invert-min-height.

Output options


Write also intermediate meshes when more than one edge length range was specified. Output file names contain the level number as suffix. (default: off)

-ascii, -noascii

Write legacy VTK in ASCII or binary format. (default: input type)

-binary, -nobinary

Write legacy VTK in ASCII or binary format. (default: input type)

-compress, -nocompress

Write XML VTK file with or without compression. (default: on)

Standard options

-v, -verbose [n]

Increase/Set verbosity of output messages. (default: 0)

-debug [level]

Increase/Set debug level for output of intermediate results. (default: 0)

-version [major.minor]

Print version and exit or set version to emulate.


Print revision (or version) number only and exit.

-h, -help

Print help and exit.