
Source Code

The source code of the Medical Image Registration ToolKit (MIRTK) is hosted on GitHub by the BioMedIA group. The BioMedIA/MIRTK repository contains the build configuration and source code files of the core libraries and basic MIRTK commands. Additional packages can be downloaded from the MIRTK group.

All releases and latest development versions can be downloaded by executing the commands outlined below in a Terminal window. See the Release Notes for a summary of changes in each release. When you download the source release packages (e.g., .tar.gz or .zip archives) from the respective GitHub project pages instead, you have to download and extract each individual MIRTK package separately and extract the files into the respective subdirectory of the top-level MIRTK source tree. We therefore recommend to use Git_ as follows to download the MIRTK source code distribution.

To download the latest MIRTK source files using Git_, use the following git clone command:

git clone --depth 1 --

where the --depth 1 options request a shallow clone of the current development version of the source files excluding previous revisions in order to save bandwidth, download time, and disk space. The --depth option may be omitted if you want to see the development history and contribute to the MIRTK. To update an existing copy of the BioMedIA/MIRTK repository, use the git pull command. Note that submodules also have to be updated in this case using the commands below.

Before running any of the following Git commands, you have to change to the root directory of the downloaded MIRTK repository:



To download the entire MIRTK distribution including third-party library modules, and external packages, run the command:

git submodule update --init

after the initial clone command without any directory path argument. To download only selected additional files, run one or more of the following commands.

Optional third-party libraries for which no binary installation packages for the supported operating systems exists are included as Git submodules under the ThirdParty/ subdirectory of the MIRTK project. To download these third-party source files, run the following command(s):

# Either download all third-party modules at once
git submodule update --init -- ThirdParty

# Or download one or more of the following modules only
git submodule update --init -- ThirdParty/LBFGS

The source files of core MIRTK modules are included in the top-level MIRTK repository under the Modules/ subdirectory. Further optional packages which are developed and distributed in their own respective Git repository are included as Git submodules in the Packages/ directory. To also build these optional packages, initialize and update the desired Git submodules before (re-)configuring the build files, e.g.:

# Either download all additional packages at once
git submodule update --init -- Packages

# Or download one or more of the following packages only
git submodule update --init -- Packages/Deformable
git submodule update --init -- Packages/Mapping
git submodule update --init -- Packages/Scripting
git submodule update --init -- Packages/DrawEM

System Requirements

Operating System: Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows

Software License

The MIRTK is distributed under the terms of the Apache License Version 2. The license enables usage of MIRTK in both commercial and non-commercial applications, without restrictions on the licensing applied to the combined work.

The MIRTK Git repository includes source files and references to Git submodule repositories whose source files are covered by their own respective license terms, which are compatible with the MIRTK license. See the following links for details: