Public Member Functions | List of all members
mirtk::RegisteredSurface Class Reference

#include <RegisteredSurface.h>

Inheritance diagram for mirtk::RegisteredSurface:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for mirtk::RegisteredSurface:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

void GetCellPoints (int, vtkIdType &, const vtkIdType *&) const
 Get pointer to IDs of points defining a cell.
void Initialize ()
 Initialize dataset after input and parameters are set.
void InputSurface (vtkPolyData *)
 Set input surface.
vtkCellArray * Lines () const
int NumberOfLines () const
 Get number of lines.
int NumberOfPolys () const
 Get number of polygons.
int NumberOfStrips () const
 Get number of triangle strips.
int NumberOfVerts () const
 Get number of vertices.
RegisteredSurfaceoperator= (const RegisteredSurface &)
 Assignment operator.
vtkPolyData * PolyData () const
 Get (transformed) polydata.
vtkCellArray * Polys () const
 RegisteredSurface (vtkPolyData *=NULL, const class Transformation *=NULL)
 RegisteredSurface (const RegisteredSurface &)
 Copy constructor.
vtkCellArray * Strips () const
vtkCellArray * Verts () const
 ~RegisteredSurface ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from mirtk::RegisteredPointSet
void BuildEdgeTables ()
void BuildLocators ()
 Pre-initialize point/cell locators.
void BuildNeighborhoodTables (int n=-1)
vtkAbstractCellLocator * CellLocator () const
const char * DefaultExtension () const
 Default file name extension.
const EdgeTableEdges () const
void GetInputPoint (int, double &, double &, double &) const
 Get untransformed input point with specified index.
void GetInputPoint (int, double *) const
 Get untransformed input point with specified index.
void GetInputPoint (int, Point &) const
 Get untransformed input point with specified index.
void GetInputPoints (class PointSet &) const
 Get untransformed points of input data set.
void GetInputSurfacePoint (int, double &, double &, double &) const
 Get untransformed input surface point with specified index.
void GetInputSurfacePoint (int, double *) const
 Get untransformed input surface point with specified index.
void GetInputSurfacePoint (int, Point &) const
 Get untransformed input surface point with specified index.
void GetInputSurfacePoints (class PointSet &) const
 Get untransformed points of input point set surface.
void GetPoint (int, double &, double &, double &) const
 Get point with specified index.
void GetPoint (int, double *) const
 Get point with specified index.
void GetPoint (int, Point &) const
 Get point with specified index.
void GetPoints (class PointSet &) const
 Get points of point set.
void GetSurfacePoint (int, double &, double &, double &) const
 Get point with specified index.
void GetSurfacePoint (int, double *) const
 Get point with specified index.
void GetSurfacePoint (int, Point &) const
 Get point with specified index.
void GetSurfacePoints (class PointSet &) const
 Get point set surface points.
void Initialize (bool deep_copy_points=false)
vtkDataArray * InitialStatus () const
 Get initial point status array if any.
vtkDataArray * InitialSurfaceStatus () const
 Get point status array if any.
void InputPointsChanged ()
 Re-copy input point set/surface points.
double InputSurfaceArea () const
 Area of input point set surface.
const class PointSetInputSurfacePoints () const
 Untransformed points of input point set surface.
bool IsSurface () const
const NodeNeighborsNeighbors (int=-1) const
int NumberOfCells () const
 Get number of cells.
int NumberOfEdges () const
 Number of (input) point set edges.
int NumberOfPoints () const
 Get number of points.
int NumberOfSurfaceCells () const
 Get number of surface cells.
int NumberOfSurfaceEdges () const
 Number of (input) surface edges.
int NumberOfSurfacePoints () const
 Get number of surface points.
 operator vtkDataSet * () const
 Implicit conversion to vtkDataSet pointer.
 operator vtkPointSet * () const
 Implicit conversion to vtkPointSet pointer.
RegisteredPointSetoperator= (const RegisteredPointSet &)
 Assignment operator.
vtkIdTypeArray * OriginalSurfaceCellIds () const
 Get array which stores for each surface cell the input point set cell ID.
vtkIdTypeArray * OriginalSurfacePointIds () const
 Get array which stores for each surface point the input point set point ID.
vtkAbstractPointLocator * PointLocator () const
 Get point locator.
vtkPoints * Points () const
 Get points of point set.
void PointsChanged ()
vtkPointSet * PointSet () const
 Get (transformed) point set.
 RegisteredPointSet (vtkPointSet *=NULL, const class Transformation *=NULL)
 RegisteredPointSet (const RegisteredPointSet &)
 Copy constructor.
SharedPtr< const EdgeTableSharedEdgeTable () const
SharedPtr< const EdgeTableSharedSurfaceEdgeTable () const
vtkDataArray * Status () const
 Get point status array if any.
vtkPolyData * Surface () const
 Get output surface.
double SurfaceArea () const
 Area of point set surface.
vtkAbstractCellLocator * SurfaceCellLocator () const
const EdgeTableSurfaceEdges () const
vtkDataArray * SurfaceFaceNormals () const
const NodeNeighborsSurfaceNeighbors (int=-1) const
vtkDataArray * SurfaceNormals () const
vtkAbstractPointLocator * SurfacePointLocator () const
 Get surface point locator.
vtkPoints * SurfacePoints () const
 Get points of point set surface.
vtkDataArray * SurfaceStatus () const
 Get point status array if any.
void Update (bool force=false)
void Write (const char *, vtkAbstractArray *=NULL, vtkAbstractArray *=NULL) const
 Write transformed dataset to file.
void Write (const char *, vtkAbstractArray **, int, vtkAbstractArray **=NULL, int=0) const
 Write transformed dataset to file.
 ~RegisteredPointSet ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from mirtk::Object
virtual const char * NameOfClass () const =0
 Get name of class, which this object is an instance of.
virtual ParameterList Parameter () const
 Get parameter name/value pairs.
bool Parameter (const ParameterList &)
 Set parameters from name/value pairs.
virtual bool Set (const char *name, const char *value)
virtual ~Object ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from mirtk::RegisteredPointSet
typedef mirtk::EdgeTable EdgeTable
 Adjacency matrix with edge IDs.
typedef EdgeConnectivity NodeNeighbors
 Table of n-connected node neighbors.
typedef Array< ScalingFunctionScalingFunctions
 Indices and scaling function parameters of transformed point data.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from mirtk::Object
static const char * NameOfType ()
 Get name of this class type.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from mirtk::RegisteredPointSet
void CopyAttributes (const RegisteredPointSet &)
 Copy attributes of this class from another instance.
 mirtkComponentMacro (GenericImage< double >, Displacement)
 Cached displacement field evaluated at each lattice point of _Domain.
 mirtkPublicAggregateMacro (const class Transformation, Transformation)
 Current transformation estimate.
 mirtkPublicAggregateMacro (GenericImage< double >, ExternalDisplacement)
 Externally pre-computed displacements to use.
 mirtkPublicAttributeMacro (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet >, InputPointSet)
 Untransformed input point set.
 mirtkPublicAttributeMacro (double, InputTime)
 Time point of input dataset.
 mirtkPublicAttributeMacro (double, Time)
 Time point of (transformed) dataset.
 mirtkPublicAttributeMacro (ScalingFunctions, PointDataToCopy)
 Indices of point data to copy and (optionally) rescale/normalize.
 mirtkPublicAttributeMacro (bool, CopyAll)
 Whether to copy all point and cell data.
 mirtkPublicAttributeMacro (int, NeighborhoodRadius)
 (Minimum) radius (maximum edge-connectivity) of node neighborhood
 mirtkPublicAttributeMacro (bool, SelfUpdate)
 Whether self-update is enabled.
 mirtkPublicAttributeMacro (bool, UpdateSurfaceNormals)
 Whether point normals of output surface need to be recomputed (on demand)
 mirtkPublicAttributeMacro (bool, UpdateSurfaceFaceNormals)
 Whether face normals of output surface need to be recomputed (on demand)
 mirtkPublicAttributeMacro (ImageAttributes, Domain)
 mirtkReadOnlyAttributeMacro (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >, InputSurface)
 Untransformed surface of input point set.
 mirtkReadOnlyAttributeMacro (bool, IsSurfaceMesh)
 Whether this point is a surface mesh.
 mirtkReadOnlyAttributeMacro (class PointSet, InputPoints)
 mirtkReadOnlyAttributeMacro (double, AverageInputEdgeLength)
 Average edge length of input point set.
 mirtkReadOnlyAttributeMacro (double, AverageInputSurfaceEdgeLength)
 Average edge length of input surface.
 mirtkReadOnlyAttributeMacro (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet >, OutputPointSet)
 Transformed output point set.
 mirtkReadOnlyAttributeMacro (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >, OutputSurface)
 Transformed output surface.
 mirtkReadOnlyAttributeMacro (double, InputDiameter)
 Length of diagonal of input point set bounding box.
 mirtkReadOnlyAttributeMacro (double, Diameter)
 Length of diagonal of point set bounding box.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from mirtk::Object
template<typename... Args>
void Throw (ErrorType err, const char *func, Args... args) const
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from mirtk::Object
template<typename... Args>
static void ThrowStatic (ErrorType err, const char *cls, const char *func, Args... args)
- Protected Attributes inherited from mirtk::RegisteredPointSet
vtkSmartPointer< vtkAbstractCellLocator > _CellLocator
 Cell locator (built on demand)
SharedPtr< const EdgeTable_EdgeTable
 Edge table of point set (computed on demand)
double _InputSurfaceArea
 Input point set surface area (computed on demand)
class PointSet_InputSurfacePoints
NodeNeighbors _NodeNeighbors
 Edge-connectivities / neighborhood of point set nodes (computed on demand)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkAbstractPointLocator > _PointLocator
 Point locator (built on demand)
double _SurfaceArea
 Point set surface area (computed on demand)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkAbstractCellLocator > _SurfaceCellLocator
 Surface cell locator (built on demand)
SharedPtr< const EdgeTable_SurfaceEdgeTable
 Edge table of point set surface (computed on demand)
NodeNeighbors _SurfaceNodeNeighbors
 Edge-connectivities / neighborhood of point set surface nodes (computed on demand)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkAbstractPointLocator > _SurfacePointLocator
 Surface point locator (built on demand)

Detailed Description

Registered boundary surface (vtkPolyData)

Definition at line 35 of file RegisteredSurface.h.

Member Function Documentation

§ Lines()

vtkCellArray * mirtk::RegisteredSurface::Lines ( ) const

Get the cell array defining lines. If there are no lines, an empty array will be returned (convenience to simplify traversal).

Definition at line 122 of file RegisteredSurface.h.

§ Polys()

vtkCellArray * mirtk::RegisteredSurface::Polys ( ) const

Get the cell array defining polygons. If there are no polygons, an empty array will be returned (convenience to simplify traversal).

Definition at line 128 of file RegisteredSurface.h.

§ Strips()

vtkCellArray * mirtk::RegisteredSurface::Strips ( ) const

Get the cell array defining triangle strips. If there are no triangle strips, an empty array will be returned (convenience to simplify traversal).

Definition at line 134 of file RegisteredSurface.h.

§ Verts()

vtkCellArray * mirtk::RegisteredSurface::Verts ( ) const

Get the cell array defining vertices. If there are no vertices, an empty array will be returned (convenience to simplify traversal).

Definition at line 116 of file RegisteredSurface.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: