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mirtk Namespace Reference


 Voxel functions implementing convolution of an image with a discrete kernel.


class  AdaptiveLineSearch
class  AddBSplineSVFFD
 Evaluate and add B-spline SV FFD at image voxels. More...
class  AddBSplineSVFFD3D
 Evaluate and add 3D B-spline SV FFD at image voxels. More...
class  AddDOFsOfBSplineSVFFD
 Add parameters of B-spline SV FFD. More...
class  AffineTransformation
class  AsConformalAsPossibleMapper
class  AuthalicSurfaceMapper
class  BalloonForce
class  BaseImage
struct  BinaryForEachVoxelBody
struct  BinaryForEachVoxelBody_1Const
struct  BinaryForEachVoxelBody_Const
struct  BinaryForEachVoxelIfBody
struct  BinaryForEachVoxelIfBody_1Const
struct  BinaryForEachVoxelIfBody_Const
class  blocked_range
 One-dimensional range. More...
class  blocked_range2d
 Two-dimensional range. More...
class  blocked_range3d
 Three-dimensional range. More...
class  BoundaryMapper
class  BoundarySegment
class  BoundarySegmentMapper
class  BoundarySegmentParameterizer
class  BoundaryToDiskMapper
class  BoundaryToPolygonMapper
class  BoundaryToSquareMapper
class  BrentLineSearch
class  BSpline
class  BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D
class  BSplineFreeFormTransformation4D
class  BSplineFreeFormTransformationStatistical
class  BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
class  BSplineFreeFormTransformationTD
class  BSplineInterpolateImageFunction
class  BSplineInterpolateImageFunction2D
class  BSplineInterpolateImageFunction3D
class  BSplineInterpolateImageFunction4D
class  CellDataFilter
class  CharbonnierErrorFunction
class  ChordLengthBoundarySegmentParameterizer
class  ChordLengthSurfaceMapper
class  Cifstream
class  CityBlockDistanceTransform
class  CloseCellData
class  ClosePointData
class  ClosestCell
class  ClosestPoint
class  ClosestPointLabel
class  Closing
class  Cofstream
class  CompareIndicesOfArrayByDecreasingValue
 Compare functor used to sort array indices by decreasing element attribute. More...
class  CompareIndicesOfArrayByIncreasingValue
 Compare functor used to sort array indices increasing element attribute. More...
class  Configurable
class  ConformalSurfaceFlattening
class  ConjugateGradientDescent
class  ConnectedComponents
class  ConstExtrapolateImageFunction
class  ConstExtrapolateImageFunctionWithPeriodicTime
class  ConstGenericImageIterator
class  ConstImageIterator
class  CosineOfNormalizedGradientField
class  CSplineInterpolateImageFunction
class  CSplineInterpolateImageFunction2D
class  CSplineInterpolateImageFunction3D
class  CSplineInterpolateImageFunction4D
class  CubicBSplineConvolution
class  CubicBSplineInterpolateImageFunction
class  CubicBSplineInterpolateImageFunction2D
class  CubicBSplineInterpolateImageFunction3D
class  CubicBSplineInterpolateImageFunction4D
class  CurrentsDistance
class  CurvatureConstraint
class  DataFidelity
class  DeformableSurfaceDebugger
class  DeformableSurfaceLogger
class  DeformableSurfaceModel
class  DifferenceOfCompositionLieBracketImageFilter3D
class  DilateCellData
class  DilatePointData
class  Dilation
class  DisplacementToVelocityField
class  DisplacementToVelocityFieldBCH
class  DistanceErrorFunction
struct  double2x2
 2x2 double-precision matrix More...
struct  double3x3
 3x3 double-precision matrix More...
struct  double3x4
 3x4 double-precision coordinate transformation matrix More...
struct  double4x4
 4x4 double-precision matrix More...
class  Downsampling
class  EdgeConnectivity
class  EdgeIterator
class  EdgeTable
class  EnergyTerm
class  EnergyThreshold
class  ErodeCellData
class  ErodePointData
class  Erosion
class  EulerMethod
class  EulerMethodWithDamping
class  EulerMethodWithMomentum
class  EvaluateBSplineSVFFD
 Evaluate B-spline SV FFD at image voxels. More...
class  EvaluateBSplineSVFFD3D
 Evaluate B-spline SV FFD at image voxels. More...
class  EvaluateGlobalSVFFD
 Evaluate global SV FFD at image voxels of vector field. More...
class  EvaluateGlobalSVFFD3D
 Evaluate global SV FFD at image voxels of 3D vector field. More...
class  EventDelegate
class  ExternalForce
class  ExtrapolateImageFunction
class  FastCubicBSplineInterpolateImageFunction
class  FastCubicBSplineInterpolateImageFunction2D
class  FastCubicBSplineInterpolateImageFunction3D
class  FastCubicBSplineInterpolateImageFunction4D
class  FastLinearImageGradientFunction
class  FastLinearImageGradientFunction2D
class  FastLinearImageGradientFunction3D
class  FiducialMatch
class  FiducialRegistrationError
class  FixedBoundarySurfaceMapper
struct  float2x2
 2x2 single-precision matrix More...
struct  float3x3
 3x3 single-precision matrix More...
struct  float3x4
 3x4 single-precision coordinate transformation matrix More...
struct  float4x4
 4x4 single-precision matrix More...
class  FluidFreeFormTransformation
struct  ForEachVoxelBody
struct  ForEachVoxelIfBody
class  FreeBoundarySurfaceMapper
class  FreeFormTransformation
class  FreeFormTransformation3D
class  FreeFormTransformation4D
class  FreeFormTransformationEmbeddedRungeKutta
class  FreeFormTransformationExplicitRungeKutta
class  FreeFormTransformationIntegrationRK4
 Classical Runge-Kutta method. More...
class  FreeFormTransformationIntegrationRKBS23
 Bogacki-Shampine method of order 3(2) More...
class  FreeFormTransformationIntegrationRKCK45
 Cash-Karp method of order 5(4) More...
class  FreeFormTransformationIntegrationRKDP45
 Dormand–Prince method of order 5(4) More...
class  FreeFormTransformationIntegrationRKE1
 Forward Euler method. More...
class  FreeFormTransformationIntegrationRKE2
 Modified Euler method (Heun's method, explicit midpoint rule) More...
class  FreeFormTransformationIntegrationRKEH12
 Euler-Heun method of order 2(1) More...
class  FreeFormTransformationIntegrationRKF45
 Fehlberg method of order 5(4) More...
class  FreeFormTransformationIntegrationRKH2
 Improved Euler method (Heun's method, explicit trapezoidal rule) More...
class  FreeFormTransformationRungeKutta
class  FuzzyCorrespondence
class  GaussCurvatureConstraint
class  GaussianBlurring
class  GaussianBlurring2D
class  GaussianBlurring4D
class  GaussianBlurringWithPadding
class  GaussianBlurringWithPadding2D
class  GaussianErrorFunction
class  GaussianInterpolateImageFunction
class  GaussianInterpolateImageFunction2D
class  GaussianInterpolateImageFunction3D
class  GaussianInterpolateImageFunction4D
class  GaussianPyramidFilter
class  GenericBSplineInterpolateImageFunction
class  GenericBSplineInterpolateImageFunction2D
class  GenericBSplineInterpolateImageFunction3D
class  GenericBSplineInterpolateImageFunction4D
class  GenericConstExtrapolateImageFunction
class  GenericConstExtrapolateImageFunctionWithPeriodicTime
class  GenericCSplineInterpolateImageFunction
class  GenericCSplineInterpolateImageFunction2D
class  GenericCSplineInterpolateImageFunction3D
class  GenericCSplineInterpolateImageFunction4D
class  GenericCubicBSplineInterpolateImageFunction
class  GenericCubicBSplineInterpolateImageFunction2D
class  GenericCubicBSplineInterpolateImageFunction3D
class  GenericCubicBSplineInterpolateImageFunction4D
class  GenericExtrapolateImageFunction
class  GenericFastCubicBSplineInterpolateImageFunction
class  GenericFastCubicBSplineInterpolateImageFunction2D
class  GenericFastCubicBSplineInterpolateImageFunction3D
class  GenericFastCubicBSplineInterpolateImageFunction4D
class  GenericFastLinearImageGradientFunction
class  GenericFastLinearImageGradientFunction2D
class  GenericFastLinearImageGradientFunction3D
class  GenericGaussianInterpolateImageFunction
class  GenericGaussianInterpolateImageFunction2D
class  GenericGaussianInterpolateImageFunction3D
class  GenericGaussianInterpolateImageFunction4D
class  GenericImage
class  GenericImageGradientFunction
class  GenericImageIterator
class  GenericInterpolateImageFunction
class  GenericLinearImageGradientFunction
class  GenericLinearImageGradientFunction2D
class  GenericLinearImageGradientFunction3D
class  GenericLinearInterpolateImageFunction
class  GenericLinearInterpolateImageFunction2D
class  GenericLinearInterpolateImageFunction3D
class  GenericLinearInterpolateImageFunction4D
class  GenericMirrorExtrapolateImageFunction
class  GenericNearestNeighborExtrapolateImageFunction
class  GenericNearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction
class  GenericRegistrationDebugger
class  GenericRegistrationFilter
class  GenericRegistrationLogger
class  GenericRepeatExtrapolateImageFunction
class  GenericSincInterpolateImageFunction
class  GenericSincInterpolateImageFunction2D
class  GenericSincInterpolateImageFunction3D
class  GenericSincInterpolateImageFunction4D
class  GenericSparseMatrix
class  GIPLImageReader
class  GIPLImageWriter
class  GradientDescent
class  GradientFieldSimilarity
class  GradientImageFilter
class  HarmonicSurfaceMapper
class  HarmonicTetrahedralMeshMapper
class  HashImage
class  HessianImageFilter
class  Histogram1D
class  Histogram2D
class  HistogramImageSimilarity
class  HistogramMatching
class  HomogeneousTransformation
class  HomogeneousTransformationIterator
struct  ImageAttributes
class  ImageChannel
class  ImageCovariance
class  ImageEdgeDistance
class  ImageEdgeForce
class  ImageFrame
class  ImageFunction
class  ImageGradientFunction
class  ImageIterator
class  ImageReader
class  ImageReaderFactory
class  ImageRegion
class  ImageSequence
class  ImageSimilarity
class  ImageSurfaceStatistics
class  ImageToImage
class  ImageTransformation
class  ImageTransformationCache
class  ImageWriter
class  ImageWriterFactory
class  ImplicitSurfaceDistance
class  ImplicitSurfaceForce
class  Indent
class  IndexExtrapolateImageFunction
class  InexactLineSearch
class  InflationForce
class  InflationStoppingCriterion
class  IntensityCorrelationRatioXY
class  IntensityCorrelationRatioYX
class  IntensityCrossCorrelation
class  InternalForce
class  InterpolateImageFunction
class  IntrinsicLeastAreaDistortionSurfaceMapper
class  IntrinsicLeastEdgeLengthDistortionSurfaceMapper
class  IntrinsicSurfaceMapper
class  InverseAffineTransformation
struct  Iteration
class  JacobianConstraint
class  JointImageEntropy
class  LabelConsistency
class  LeastSquaresConformalSurfaceMapper
class  LieBracketImageFilter
class  LieBracketImageFilter2D
class  LieBracketImageFilter3D
class  LimitedMemoryBFGSDescent
class  LinearElasticityConstraint
class  LinearFixedBoundarySurfaceMapper
class  LinearFreeFormTransformation3D
class  LinearFreeFormTransformation4D
class  LinearFreeFormTransformationTD
class  LinearImageGradientFunction
class  LinearImageGradientFunction2D
class  LinearImageGradientFunction3D
class  LinearInterpolateImageFunction
class  LinearInterpolateImageFunction2D
class  LinearInterpolateImageFunction3D
class  LinearInterpolateImageFunction4D
class  LinearTetrahedralMeshMapper
class  LineSearch
struct  LineSearchStep
 Data of AcceptedStepEvent and RejectedStepEvent. More...
class  LocalOptimizer
class  LogJacobianConstraint
class  Mapping
class  Matlab
class  Matrix
class  MaximumCurvatureConstraint
class  MaxStepLineSearch
class  MeanCurvatureConstraint
class  MeanSquaredDisplacementError
class  MeanValueSurfaceMapper
class  MedianPointData
class  MeshFilter
class  MeshlessBiharmonicMap
class  MeshlessHarmonicMap
class  MeshlessHarmonicVolumeMapper
class  MeshlessMap
class  MeshlessVolumeMapper
class  MeshSmoothing
class  MetricDistortion
class  MinActiveStoppingCriterion
class  MirrorExtrapolateImageFunction
class  Module
class  MultiLevelFreeFormTransformation
class  MultiLevelStationaryVelocityTransformation
class  MultiLevelTransformation
class  MutualImageInformation
class  NearestNeighborExtrapolateImageFunction
class  NearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction
class  NearOptimalIntrinsicSurfaceMapper
class  NegJacobianConstraint
class  NeighborhoodOffsets
class  NiftiImage
struct  NiftiImageInfo
class  NiftiImageReader
class  NiftiImageWriter
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelBody
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelBody_1Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelBody_2Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelBody_3Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelBody_4Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelBody_5Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelBody_6Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelBody_7Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelBody_8Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelBody_Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelIfBody
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelIfBody_1Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelIfBody_2Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelIfBody_3Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelIfBody_4Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelIfBody_5Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelIfBody_6Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelIfBody_7Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelIfBody_8Const
struct  NonaryForEachVoxelIfBody_Const
class  NonSelfIntersectionConstraint
class  NonSymmetricWeightsSurfaceMapper
class  NormalForce
class  NormalizedGradientFieldSimilarity
class  NormalizedIntensityCrossCorrelation
class  NormalizedMutualImageInformation
class  Object
class  ObjectFactory
class  ObjectiveFunction
class  Observable
class  Observer
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelBody
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelBody_1Const
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelBody_2Const
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelBody_3Const
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelBody_4Const
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelBody_5Const
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelBody_6Const
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelBody_7Const
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelBody_Const
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelIfBody
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelIfBody_1Const
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelIfBody_2Const
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelIfBody_3Const
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelIfBody_4Const
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelIfBody_5Const
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelIfBody_6Const
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelIfBody_7Const
struct  OctaryForEachVoxelIfBody_Const
class  OpenCellData
class  OpenPointData
class  PartialAffineTransformation
class  PartialBSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
class  PartialMultiLevelStationaryVelocityTransformation
class  PeakSignalToNoiseRatio
class  PeronaMalikErrorFunction
class  PGMImageReader
class  PGMImageWriter
class  PiecewiseLinearMap
class  Plane
class  PNGImageWriter
class  Point
class  PointCorrespondence
class  PointCorrespondenceDistance
class  PointDataFilter
class  PointLocator
class  PointSamples
class  PointSet
class  PointSetDistance
class  PointSetForce
class  Polyhedron
class  Polynomial
class  QuadraticCurvatureConstraint
struct  QuaternaryForEachVoxelBody
struct  QuaternaryForEachVoxelBody_1Const
struct  QuaternaryForEachVoxelBody_2Const
struct  QuaternaryForEachVoxelBody_3Const
struct  QuaternaryForEachVoxelBody_Const
struct  QuaternaryForEachVoxelIfBody
struct  QuaternaryForEachVoxelIfBody_1Const
struct  QuaternaryForEachVoxelIfBody_2Const
struct  QuaternaryForEachVoxelIfBody_3Const
struct  QuaternaryForEachVoxelIfBody_Const
struct  QuinaryForEachVoxelBody
struct  QuinaryForEachVoxelBody_1Const
struct  QuinaryForEachVoxelBody_2Const
struct  QuinaryForEachVoxelBody_3Const
struct  QuinaryForEachVoxelBody_4Const
struct  QuinaryForEachVoxelBody_Const
struct  QuinaryForEachVoxelIfBody
struct  QuinaryForEachVoxelIfBody_1Const
struct  QuinaryForEachVoxelIfBody_2Const
struct  QuinaryForEachVoxelIfBody_3Const
struct  QuinaryForEachVoxelIfBody_4Const
struct  QuinaryForEachVoxelIfBody_Const
class  RadialErrorFunction
class  RegisteredImage
class  RegisteredPointSet
class  RegisteredSurface
class  RegistrationEnergy
class  RegistrationEnergyParser
class  RegistrationFilter
class  RepeatExtrapolateImageFunction
class  RepulsiveForce
class  Resampling
class  ResamplingWithPadding
class  RigidTransformation
class  RobustClosestPoint
class  RobustPointMatch
class  ScalarFunction
class  ScalarFunctionToImage
class  ScalarGaussian
class  ScalingAndSquaring
struct  SenaryForEachVoxelBody
struct  SenaryForEachVoxelBody_1Const
struct  SenaryForEachVoxelBody_2Const
struct  SenaryForEachVoxelBody_3Const
struct  SenaryForEachVoxelBody_4Const
struct  SenaryForEachVoxelBody_5Const
struct  SenaryForEachVoxelBody_Const
struct  SenaryForEachVoxelIfBody
struct  SenaryForEachVoxelIfBody_1Const
struct  SenaryForEachVoxelIfBody_2Const
struct  SenaryForEachVoxelIfBody_3Const
struct  SenaryForEachVoxelIfBody_4Const
struct  SenaryForEachVoxelIfBody_5Const
struct  SenaryForEachVoxelIfBody_Const
class  SeparableConvolution
struct  SeptenaryForEachVoxelBody
struct  SeptenaryForEachVoxelBody_1Const
struct  SeptenaryForEachVoxelBody_2Const
struct  SeptenaryForEachVoxelBody_3Const
struct  SeptenaryForEachVoxelBody_4Const
struct  SeptenaryForEachVoxelBody_5Const
struct  SeptenaryForEachVoxelBody_6Const
struct  SeptenaryForEachVoxelBody_Const
struct  SeptenaryForEachVoxelIfBody
struct  SeptenaryForEachVoxelIfBody_1Const
struct  SeptenaryForEachVoxelIfBody_2Const
struct  SeptenaryForEachVoxelIfBody_3Const
struct  SeptenaryForEachVoxelIfBody_4Const
struct  SeptenaryForEachVoxelIfBody_5Const
struct  SeptenaryForEachVoxelIfBody_6Const
struct  SeptenaryForEachVoxelIfBody_Const
class  ShapeBasedInterpolateImageFunction
class  ShapePreservingSurfaceMapper
class  SimilarityTransformation
class  Sinc
class  SincInterpolateImageFunction
class  SincInterpolateImageFunction2D
class  SincInterpolateImageFunction3D
class  SincInterpolateImageFunction4D
class  SmoothnessConstraint
class  SparsityConstraint
class  SpectralConformalSurfaceMapper
class  SpectralMatch
class  SphericalSurfaceMapper
struct  split
 Dummy type used to distinguish split constructor from copy constructor. More...
class  SpringForce
class  SquaredErrorFunction
class  StoppingCriterion
class  StretchingForce
class  Stripper
class  SubdividedBoundarySegmentParameterizer
class  SumOfSquaredIntensityDifferences
class  SurfaceBoundary
class  SurfaceCollisions
class  SurfaceConstraint
class  SurfaceCurvature
class  SurfaceDistance
class  SurfaceFilter
class  SurfaceForce
class  SurfaceMapper
class  SurfacePatches
class  SurfaceRemeshing
class  SymmetricWeightsSurfaceMapper
class  task_scheduler_init
 Helper for initialization of task scheduler. More...
struct  TernaryForEachVoxelBody
struct  TernaryForEachVoxelBody_1Const
struct  TernaryForEachVoxelBody_2Const
struct  TernaryForEachVoxelBody_Const
struct  TernaryForEachVoxelIfBody
struct  TernaryForEachVoxelIfBody_1Const
struct  TernaryForEachVoxelIfBody_2Const
struct  TernaryForEachVoxelIfBody_Const
class  TetrahedralMeshMapper
class  TopologyPreservationConstraint
class  Transformation
class  TransformationApproximationError
class  TransformationConstraint
class  TransformationJacobian
class  Triangle
struct  UnaryForEachVoxelBody
struct  UnaryForEachVoxelBody_Const
struct  UnaryForEachVoxelIfBody
struct  UnaryForEachVoxelIfBody_Const
class  UniformBoundarySegmentParameterizer
class  UniformSurfaceMapper
class  Vector
class  Vector3
struct  Vector3D
struct  Vector4D
struct  VectorND
class  VelocityToDisplacementField
class  VelocityToDisplacementFieldEuler
class  VelocityToDisplacementFieldSS
class  Version
 Software version object. More...
class  VolumeMapper
class  VolumePreservationConstraint
struct  VoxelCaster
 Auxiliary template class for partial voxel_cast specialization. More...
struct  VoxelFunction
struct  VoxelReduction


typedef GenericImage< BinaryPixel > BinaryImage
 Binary image as used for masks (0: off, otherwise: on)
typedef List< Pair< int, int > > EdgeList
 List of pairs of edge end point IDs.
typedef BaseImage Image
 Alternative/backwards compatible type name.
typedef Array< Pair< string, string > > ParameterList
 Ordered list of parameter name/value pairs.
typedef GenericSparseMatrix< float > SparseFloatMatrix
 Typically used template instantiations.
typedef SparseDoubleMatrix SparseMatrix
 Sparse matrix with default entry value type.
typedef GenericImage< double > WorldCoordsImage
 FIXME: Use double3 as voxel type instead.


enum  ByteOrder
 Byte order of each word in memory.
enum  ConnectedComponentsOrdering { CC_NoOrdering, CC_LargestFirst, CC_SmallestFirst }
 Enumeration of possible orderings of connected components. More...
enum  ConnectivityType
 Type of image connectivity, i.e., number of neighbors for each voxel.
enum  ConstraintMeasure {
  CM_Unknown = CM_Begin, CM_VolumePreservation = EM_VolumePreservation, CM_TopologyPreservation = EM_TopologyPreservation, CM_Sparsity = EM_Sparsity,
  CM_BendingEnergy = EM_BendingEnergy, CM_LinearElasticity = EM_LinearElasticity, CM_L0Norm = EM_L0Norm, CM_L1Norm = EM_L1Norm,
  CM_L2Norm = EM_L2Norm, CM_SqLogDetJac = EM_SqLogDetJac, CM_NegDetJac = EM_NegDetJac
enum  EnergyMeasure {
  EM_Unknown , EM_JE, EM_CC, EM_MI,
  EM_FRE, EM_CorrespondenceDistance, EM_CurrentsDistance, EM_VarifoldDistance ,
  EM_BalloonForce, EM_ImageEdgeForce, EM_ImageEdgeDistance, EM_ImplicitSurfaceDistance ,
  EM_MetricDistortion, EM_Stretching, EM_Curvature, EM_QuadraticCurvature,
  EM_GaussCurvature, EM_MeanCurvature, EM_MaximumCurvature, EM_NonSelfIntersection,
  EM_RepulsiveForce, EM_InflationForce, EM_SpringForce, EM_NormalForce ,
  EM_VolumePreservation, EM_TopologyPreservation, EM_Sparsity, EM_BendingEnergy,
  EM_LinearElasticity, EM_L0Norm, EM_L1Norm, EM_L2Norm,
  EM_SqLogDetJac, EM_NegDetJac , EM_MeanSquaredDisplacementError, EM_Last
 Enumeration of all available energy terms. More...
enum  ErrorType
 Enumeration of error types / exit codes.
enum  Event {
  AnyEvent, ModifiedEvent, StatusEvent, LogEvent,
  InitEvent, StartEvent, RestartEvent, EndEvent,
  FinishEvent, IterationEvent, IterationStartEvent, IterationEndEvent,
  RegisteredEvent, UnregisteredEvent, LineSearchStartEvent, LineSearchIterationStartEvent,
  LineSearchIterationEndEvent, LineSearchEndEvent, AcceptedStepEvent, RejectedStepEvent
 Events that can be observed. More...
enum  ExtensionMode {
  EXT_Default, EXT_None, EXT_Last, EXT_LastWithGz,
  EXT_LastWithoutGz, EXT_All
 Enumeration of file path extension retrival modes. More...
enum  ExternalForceTerm
enum  ExtrapolationMode
 Image extrapolation modes.
enum  FFDIntegrationMethod
 Enumeration of implemented numerical integration methods.
enum  FileOption { FO_Default, FO_ASCII, FO_Binary, FO_NoCompress }
 Enumeration of file type options. More...
enum  ImageDataType
 Enumeration of voxel data types.
enum  InterpolationMode
 Image interpolation modes.
enum  LineSearchStrategy { LS_None, LS_Adaptive, LS_Brent, LS_LinMin = LS_Brent }
 Enumeration of available line search strategies. More...
enum  MFFDMode {
  MFFD_Default, MFFD_None, MFFD_Sum, MFFD_Fluid,
 Enumeration of available multi-level transformation modes. More...
enum  NiftiDataType
 NIfTI datatype codes.
enum  NiftiIntent
 NIfTI intent codes, to describe intended meaning of dataset contents.
enum  NiftiUnits {
enum  NiftiXForm {
 NIfTI xform codes to describe the "standard" coordinate system. More...
enum  OptimizationMethod { , OM_EulerMethod, OM_EulerMethodWithDamping, OM_EulerMethodWithMomentum }
 Enumeration of available optimization methods. More...
enum  PointSetDistanceMeasure
enum  SimilarityMeasure {
  SIM_Unknown = SIM_Begin, SIM_JE = EM_JE, SIM_CC = EM_CC, SIM_MI = EM_MI,
enum  Status
 Enumeration of common states for entities such as objective function parameters.
enum  TransformationModel {
  TM_Unknown, TM_Rigid, TM_Similarity, TM_Affine,
  TM_LinearFFD, TM_BSplineFFD, TM_BSplineStatFFD, TM_BSplineSVFFD,
  TM_BSplineTDFFD, TM_Last
enum  TransformationType


void AddPoints (PointSet &oset, vtkPointSet *iset)
void AffineParametersToMatrix (double tx, double ty, double tz, double rx, double ry, double rz, double sx, double sy, double sz, double sxy, double sxz, double syz, Matrix &m)
Matrix AffineParametersToMatrix (double tx, double ty, double tz, double rx, double ry, double rz, double sx, double sy, double sz, double sxy, double sxz, double syz)
void AffineParametersToMatrix (double tx, double ty, double tz, double rx, double ry, double rz, double sx, double sy, double sz, Matrix &m)
Matrix AffineParametersToMatrix (double tx, double ty, double tz, double rx, double ry, double rz, double sx, double sy, double sz)
template<class Type >
void Allocate (Type *&matrix, int n)
 Allocate 1D array.
template<class Type >
Type * Allocate (int n)
 Allocate 1D array.
template<class Type >
void Allocate (Type **&matrix, int x, int y, Type *data=nullptr)
 Allocate 2D array stored in contiguous memory block.
template<typename Type >
Type ** Allocate (int x, int y, Type *data=nullptr)
 Allocate 2D array stored in contiguous memory block.
template<class Type >
void Allocate (Type ***&matrix, int x, int y, int z, Type *data=nullptr)
 Allocate 3D array stored in contiguous memory block.
template<typename Type >
Type *** Allocate (int x, int y, int z, Type *data=nullptr)
 Allocate 3D array stored in contiguous memory block.
template<class Type >
void Allocate (Type ****&matrix, int x, int y, int z, int t, Type *data=nullptr)
 Allocate 4D array stored in contiguous memory block.
template<typename Type >
Type **** Allocate (int x, int y, int z, int t, Type *data=nullptr)
 Allocate 4D array stored in contiguous memory block.
Matrix ApproximateAffineMatrix (const PointSet &target, const PointSet &source, const Vector &weight)
Matrix ApproximateAffineMatrix (const PointSet &target, const PointSet &source)
double Area (vtkPolyData *, bool per_cell=false)
 Area of surface mesh.
double Area (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > surface, bool per_cell=false)
 Area of surface mesh.
double Area (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet >)
 Area of point set surface.
MIRTKCU_API bool AreEqual (double a, double b, double tol=1e-12)
 Determine equality of two floating point numbers.
MIRTKCU_API bool AreEqualOrNaN (double a, double b, double tol=1e-12)
 Determine equality of two floating point numbers including check if both are NaN.
double AverageEdgeLength (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >, const EdgeTable &)
 Determine average edge length of point set given a precomputed edge table.
double AverageEdgeLength (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet >)
 Determine average edge length of point set.
double AverageInterval (const OrderedSet< double > &values)
 Get average interval between consecutive values of an ordered set.
string BaseName (const char *)
 Get file name of file path incl. file extension.
string BaseName (const string &)
 Get file name of file path incl. file extension.
Matrix BiInvariantMean (int n, const Matrix *matrices, const double *weights=NULL, int niter=20, double tol=1e-12, const Matrix *mu0=NULL)
template<class T >
Array< T >::iterator BinarySearch (Array< T > &values, const T &value)
 Find value in sorted Array using binary search.
template<class T >
Array< T >::const_iterator BinarySearch (const Array< T > &values, const T &value)
 Find value in sorted Array using binary search.
template<class T , class Compare >
Array< T >::iterator BinarySearch (Array< T > &values, const T &value, Compare comp)
 Find value in sorted Array using binary search with custom comparator.
template<class T , class Compare >
Array< T >::const_iterator BinarySearch (const Array< T > &values, const T &value, Compare comp)
 Find value in sorted Array using binary search with custom comparator.
EdgeList BoundaryEdges (vtkDataSet *)
 Get list of all boundary edges.
EdgeList BoundaryEdges (vtkDataSet *, const EdgeTable &)
 Get list of all boundary edges.
UnorderedSet< int > BoundaryPoints (vtkDataSet *, const EdgeTable *=nullptr)
 Get IDs of end points of boundary edges.
Array< Array< int > > BoundarySegments (vtkDataSet *, const EdgeTable *=nullptr)
 Get connected boundary segments as (closed) line strips.
template<class Type >
void CAllocate (Type *&matrix, int n, const Type &init=Type())
 Allocate 1D array and initialize it.
template<class Type >
Type * CAllocate (int n, const Type *init=nullptr)
 Allocate 1D array and initialize it.
template<class Type >
void CAllocate (Type **&matrix, int x, int y, const Type &init=Type())
 Allocate 2D array stored in contiguous memory block.
template<typename Type >
Type ** CAllocate (int x, int y, const Type *init=nullptr)
 Allocate 2D array stored in contiguous memory block and initialize it.
template<class Type >
void CAllocate (Type ***&matrix, int x, int y, int z, const Type &init=Type())
 Allocate 3D array stored in contiguous memory block.
template<typename Type >
Type *** CAllocate (int x, int y, int z, const Type *init=nullptr)
 Allocate 3D array stored in contiguous memory block and initialize it.
template<class Type >
void CAllocate (Type ****&matrix, int x, int y, int z, int t, const Type &init=Type())
 Allocate 4D array stored in contiguous memory block and initialize it.
template<typename Type >
Type **** CAllocate (int x, int y, int z, int t, const Type *init=nullptr)
 Allocate 4D array stored in contiguous memory block and initialize it.
string CamelCaseToPrettyParameterName (const string &s)
void Center (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > pointset)
 Translate point set such that center is at origin.
MIRTKCU_API double clamp (double f, double a, double b)
 Clamp the value v to be in the range [a, b].
double ComputeArea (vtkCell *cell)
template<class TReal >
void ComputeBSplineIndicesAndWeights (double x, double y, int spline_degree, int xIndex [6], int yIndex [6], TReal xWeight[6], TReal yWeight[6])
 Compute indices and weights required for 2D B-spline interpolation.
template<class TReal >
void ComputeBSplineIndicesAndWeights (double x, double y, double z, int spline_degree, int xIndex [6], int yIndex [6], int zIndex [6], TReal xWeight[6], TReal yWeight[6], TReal zWeight[6])
 Compute indices and weights required for 3D B-spline interpolation.
template<class TReal >
void ComputeBSplineIndicesAndWeights (double x, double y, double z, double t, int spline_degree, int xIndex [6], int yIndex [6], int zIndex [6], int tIndex[6], TReal xWeight[6], TReal yWeight[6], TReal zWeight[6], TReal tWeight[6])
 Compute indices and weights required for 4D B-spline interpolation.
bool ComputeTangents (const double n[3], double e1[3], double e2[3])
bool ComputeTangents (const double n[3], double e1[3], double e2[3], double e3[3], double e4[3])
 Compute 4 (8) equally spaced tangent vectors (angular sampling of 45 degrees)
double ComputeVolume (vtkCell *cell)
bool Contains (const ParameterList &params, string name)
 Whether parameter is in parameters list.
template<class TData >
void ConvertToCubicBSplineCoefficients (GenericImage< TData > &image, int l)
 Convert 3D floating point scalar or vector image to cubic spline coefficients.
template<class TData >
void ConvertToCubicBSplineCoefficients (GenericImage< TData > &image)
 Convert 4D floating point scalar or vector image to cubic spline coefficients.
template<class TData >
void ConvertToSplineCoefficients (int degree, GenericImage< TData > &image, int k, int l)
 Convert 2D floating point scalar or vector image to spline coefficients.
template<class TData >
void ConvertToSplineCoefficients (int degree, GenericImage< TData > &image, int l)
 Convert 3D floating point scalar or vector image to spline coefficients.
template<class TData >
void ConvertToSplineCoefficients (int degree, GenericImage< TData > &image)
 Convert 4D floating point scalar or vector image to spline coefficients.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > ConvexHull (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > pointset, int levels=3)
 Current software version.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > DataSetSurface (vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > dataset, bool passPtIds=false, bool passCellIds=false)
template<typename Type >
void Deallocate (Type *&p)
 Deallocate 1D array.
template<class Type >
void Deallocate (Type **&matrix, void *data=NULL)
template<class Type >
void Deallocate (Type ***&matrix, void *data=NULL)
template<class Type >
void Deallocate (Type ****&matrix, void *data=NULL)
template<class T >
Array< int > DecreasingOrder (const Array< T > &values)
 Get permutation of array indices corresponding to sorted order of values.
int DeepCopyArrayUsingCaseInsensitiveName (vtkDataSetAttributes *dst, vtkDataSetAttributes *src, const char *name)
const char * DefaultExtension (vtkDataSet *)
 Default extension for given data set.
InterpolationMode DefaultInterpolationMode ()
 Get default interpolation mode.
template<typename Type >
void Delete (Type *&p)
 Delete object.
int Dimension (vtkDataSet *)
 Determine dimension of data set.
string Directory (const char *)
 Get directory part of file path.
string Directory (const string &)
 Get directory part of file path.
void EdgeLengthNormalDistribution (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > points, const EdgeTable &edgeTable, double &mean, double &sigma)
void EdgeLengthNormalDistribution (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > pointset, double &mean, double &sigma)
Vector EdgeLengths (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >, const EdgeTable &)
 Compute edge lengths of point set given a precomputed edge table.
double EdgeLengthToTriangleArea (double l)
 Calculate are of triangle with given edge length.
string ElapsedTimeToString (double t, TimeUnit units=TIME_IN_SECONDS, TimeFormat fmt=TIME_FORMAT_HHMMSS, int w=0, char c=' ', bool left=false)
int EulerCharacteristic (vtkDataSet *dataset, const EdgeTable &, int *npoints=nullptr, int *nedges=nullptr, int *nfaces=nullptr)
 Euler characeteristic, i.e., V - E + F.
int EulerCharacteristic (vtkDataSet *dataset, int *npoints=nullptr, int *nedges=nullptr, int *nfaces=nullptr)
 Euler characeteristic, i.e., V - E + F.
template<class VoxelType >
void Exp (GenericImage< VoxelType > *v)
 Compute exponential map of given velocity field.
string Extension (const char *, ExtensionMode=EXT_Default)
 Get file name extension in lower case incl. leading dot ('.')
string Extension (const string &, ExtensionMode=EXT_Default)
 Get file name extension in lower case incl. leading dot ('.')
ExtrapolationMode ExtrapolationWithoutPeriodicTime (ExtrapolationMode m)
 Get corresponding extrapolation without periodic time.
ExtrapolationMode ExtrapolationWithPeriodicTime (ExtrapolationMode m)
 Get corresponding extrapolation with periodic time.
MIRTKCU_API double fdec (double f)
MIRTKCU_API double fdec (double f, double df)
MIRTKCU_API bool fequal (double a, double b, double tol=1e-12)
string FileName (const char *, ExtensionMode=EXT_Default)
 Get file name of file path excl. file extension.
string FileName (const string &, ExtensionMode=EXT_Default)
 Get file name of file path excl. file extension.
string FilePrefix (const char *, ExtensionMode=EXT_Default)
 Get file path excl. file extension.
string FilePrefix (const string &, ExtensionMode=EXT_Default)
 Get file path excl. file extension.
template<class TData >
void FillBackgroundBeforeConversionToSplineCoefficients (GenericImage< TData > &image)
 Fill background by front propagation of foreground.
MIRTKCU_API double finc (double f)
MIRTKCU_API double finc (double f, double df)
ParameterConstIterator Find (const ParameterList &params, string name)
 Find parameter in parameters list.
ParameterIterator Find (ParameterList &params, string name)
 Find parameter in parameters list.
template<class T >
Array< T >::iterator Find (Array< T > &values, const T &value)
 Find value in unsorted Array.
template<class T >
Array< T >::const_iterator Find (const Array< T > &values, const T &value)
 Find value in unsorted Array.
template<class T >
int FindIndex (const Array< T > &values, const T &value)
 Find value in unsorted Array.
Matrix FrechetMean (const Matrix *matrices, const double *weights, int n, int niter=20, double tol=1e-12, const Matrix *mu0=NULL)
Matrix FrechetMean (const Matrix *matrices, int n, int niter=20, double tol=1e-12, const Matrix *mu0=NULL)
bool FromString (const char *str, FFDIM &value)
 Convert FFD integration method string to enumeration value.
bool FromString (const char *str, vtkDataSetAttributes::AttributeTypes &type)
 Convert string to vtkDataSetAttributes::AttributeType.
bool FromString (const char *str, NiftiIntent &value)
 Convert string to NIfTI intent code.
template<typename T >
bool FromString (const char *str, T &value)
 Convert string to numeric value.
template<typename T >
bool FromString (const string &s, T &value)
 Convert string to numeric value.
bool FromString (const char *, ImageDataType &)
 Convert string to image data type enumeration value.
bool FromString (const char *str, bool &value)
 Convert string to boolean value.
bool FromString (const char *str, ConnectivityType &value)
 Convert string to image connectivity type.
bool FromString (const char *str, ConnectedComponentsOrdering &value)
 Convert string to connected components ordering.
bool FromString (const char *, NiftiUnits &)
 Convert string to NIfTI units code.
bool FromString (const char *str, float &value)
 Convert string to float value.
bool FromString (const char *str, double &value)
 Convert string to double value.
bool FromString (const char *str, enum ImplicitSurfaceForce::DistanceMeasureType &value)
 Convert string to implicit surface distance measure enumeration value.
bool FromString (const char *str, EnergyMeasure &value)
 Convert energy measure string to enumeration value.
double Genus (vtkDataSet *dataset, const EdgeTable &, int *npoints=nullptr, int *nedges=nullptr, int *nfaces=nullptr, int *nbounds=nullptr, int *ncomps=nullptr, int *euler=nullptr)
 Genus of surface mesh.
double Genus (vtkDataSet *dataset, int *npoints=nullptr, int *nedges=nullptr, int *nfaces=nullptr, int *nbounds=nullptr, int *ncomps=nullptr, int *euler=nullptr)
 Genus of surface mesh.
string Get (const ParameterList &params, string name)
 Get parameter value from parameters list.
vtkDataArray * GetArrayByCaseInsensitiveName (vtkDataSetAttributes *data, const char *name, int *loc=NULL)
ByteOrder GetByteOrder ()
 Get byte order of this system.
size_t GetCurrentRSS ()
string GetDate ()
string GetDateTime ()
void GetMinMaxEdgeLength (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > points, const EdgeTable &edgeTable, double &min, double &max)
void GetMinMaxEdgeLength (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > pointset, double &min, double &max)
size_t GetPeakRSS ()
EdgeList GetPointEdges (const EdgeList &edges, int ptId)
string GetTime ()
string GetUser ()
 Get name of user executing this program.
template<class T >
MIRTKCU_API int iceil (T x)
 Round floating-point value to next greater integer and cast to int.
bool iequal (char const *a, char const *b)
 Case insensitive string comparison.
bool iequal (const string &a, char const *b)
 Case insensitive string comparison.
bool iequal (const char *a, const string &b)
 Case insensitive string comparison.
bool iequal (const string &a, const string &b)
 Case insensitive string comparison.
template<class T >
MIRTKCU_API int ifloor (T x)
 Round floating-point value to next smaller integer and cast to int.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageStencilData > ImageStencil (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > image, vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > pointset)
 Get inside surface image stencil.
void ImageStencilToMask (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageStencilData > stencil, vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > image)
template<class T >
Array< int > IncreasingOrder (const Array< T > &values)
 Get permutation of array indices corresponding to sorted order of values.
void InitializeDeformableLibrary ()
void InitializeIOLibrary ()
 Initialize MIRTK IO library.
void InitializeNumericsLibrary ()
void InitializeRegistrationLibrary ()
void InitializeTransformationLibrary ()
template<class T >
ParameterListInsert (ParameterList &params, string name, T value)
 Insert/replace value into/in parameters list.
ParameterListInsert (ParameterList &params, string name, const char *value)
 Insert/replace string value into/in parameters list.
ParameterListInsert (ParameterList &params, string name, string value)
 Insert/replace string value into/in parameters list.
ParameterListInsert (ParameterList &params, const ParameterList &other, const char *prefix=NULL)
 Insert/replace values into/in parameters list.
InterpolationMode InterpolationWithoutPadding (InterpolationMode m)
 Get corresponding interpolation without padding.
InterpolationMode InterpolationWithPadding (InterpolationMode m)
 Get corresponding interpolation with padding.
template<class T >
UnorderedSet< T > Intersection (const UnorderedSet< T > &a, const UnorderedSet< T > &b)
template<class T >
MIRTKCU_API int iround (T x)
 Round floating-point value and cast to int.
bool IsCategoricalArrayName (const string &name)
bool IsDiffeo (TransformationModel model)
 Whether a given transformation model is diffeomorphic (velocity parameterization)
bool IsDiffeo (const Array< TransformationModel > &model)
 Whether any given transformation model is a diffeomorphic model.
MIRTKCU_API bool IsInf (double x)
 Check if floating point value represents infinity.
bool IsInteger (const char *str)
 Check if given string is an integer value.
bool IsInterpolationWithoutPadding (InterpolationMode m)
 Whether interpolation mode is "without padding".
bool IsInterpolationWithPadding (InterpolationMode m)
 Whether interpolation mode is "with padding".
bool IsLinear (TransformationModel model)
 Whether a given transformation model is linear.
bool IsLinear (const Array< TransformationModel > &model)
 Whether any given transformation model is linear.
bool IsLinearFFD (TransformationModel model)
 Whether a given transformation model is a FFD with a linear interpolation kernel.
bool IsLinearFFD (const Array< TransformationModel > &model)
 Whether any given transformation model is a FFD with a linear interpolation kernel.
MIRTKCU_API bool IsNaN (double x)
 Check if floating point value is not a number (NaN)
bool IsNonLinear (const Array< TransformationModel > &model)
 Whether any given transformation model is non-linear.
bool IsNumber (const char *str)
 Check if given string is a (floating point) number.
bool IsParallelOption (const char *)
 Check if given option is a parallelization option.
bool IsProfilingOption (const char *)
 Check if given option is a profiling option.
bool IsSpatioTemporal (TransformationModel model)
 Whether a given transformation model is 3D+t.
bool IsSpatioTemporal (const Array< TransformationModel > &model)
 Whether any given transformation model is 3D+t.
bool IsStandardOption (const char *)
 Check if given option is a standard option.
bool IsSurfaceMesh (vtkDataSet *)
 Determine whether a point set is a surface mesh.
bool IsTerminalOption (const char *)
 Check if given option is a terminal option.
bool IsTetrahedralMesh (vtkDataSet *)
 Check whether given point set is a tetrahedral mesh.
bool IsTransformation (const char *name)
bool IsTriangularMesh (vtkDataSet *)
 Check whether given point set is a triangular mesh.
template<typename T >
bool IsValueOfType (const char *str)
 Check if given string represents a value of the specified template type.
MIRTKCU_API bool IsZero (double a, double tol=1e-12)
 Determine equality of a floating point number with zero.
template<class VoxelType >
void Log (GenericImage< VoxelType > *d)
 Compute logarithmic map of displacement field.
Matrix LogEuclideanMean (int n, const Matrix *matrices, const double *weights=NULL)
MIRTKCU_API double1 make_double1 (float1 f)
 Create double scalar value.
MIRTKCU_API double2 make_double2 (double s)
 Create double 2D vector from scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double2 make_double2 (float2 f)
 Create double 2D vector from single-precision.
MIRTKCU_API double2 make_double2 (int2 i)
 Create double 2D vector from integer vector.
MIRTKCU_API double2 make_double2 (uint2 i)
 Create double 2D vector from integer vector.
MIRTKCU_API double3 make_double3 (double s)
 Create double 3D vector from scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double3 make_double3 (int3 i)
 Create double 3D vector from integer vector.
MIRTKCU_API double3 make_double3 (uint3 i)
 Create double 3D vector from integer vector.
MIRTKCU_API double3 make_double3 (float3 f)
 Create double 3D vector from single-precision.
MIRTKCU_API double4 make_double4 (double s)
 Create double 4D vector from scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double4 make_double4 (int4 i)
 Create double 4D vector from integer vector.
MIRTKCU_API double4 make_double4 (float4 f)
 Create double 4D vector from single-precision.
void MatrixToAffineParameters (const Matrix &m, double &tx, double &ty, double &tz, double &rx, double &ry, double &rz, double &sx, double &sy, double &sz, double &sxy, double &sxz, double &syz)
void MatrixToEulerAngles (const Matrix &m, double &rx, double &ry, double &rz)
void MatrixToRigidParameters (const Matrix &m, double &tx, double &ty, double &tz, double &rx, double &ry, double &rz)
double MaxEdgeLength (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > points, const EdgeTable &edgeTable)
double MaxEdgeLength (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > pointset)
template<class T >
MaxElement (const Array< T > &values)
 Get maximum array element.
double MedianEdgeLength (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >, const EdgeTable &)
 Determine median edge length of point set given a precomputed edge table.
double MedianEdgeLength (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet >)
 Determine median edge length of point set.
template<class T >
MedianValue (const Array< T > &values)
 Get median value.
double MinEdgeLength (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > points, const EdgeTable &edgeTable)
double MinEdgeLength (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > pointset)
template<class T >
MinElement (const Array< T > &values)
 Get minimum array element.
template<class T >
Pair< T, T > MinMaxElement (const Array< T > &values)
 Get minimum and maximum array element.
template<class BaseType , class ObjectType >
BaseType * New ()
 Default object creation function.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataArray > NewVtkDataArray (int type=VTK_VOID, int tuples=0, int comps=1, const char *name=nullptr)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataArray > NewVTKDataArray (int type=VTK_VOID)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > NewVtkMask (int nx, int ny, int nz)
template<class T >
T & NthElement (Array< T > &values, int n)
template<class T , class Compare >
T & NthElement (Array< T > &values, int n, Compare comp)
int NumberOfBoundarySegments (vtkDataSet *, const EdgeTable *=nullptr)
 Number of connected boundary components.
int NumberOfConnectedComponents (vtkDataSet *)
 Number of connected components.
int NumberOfEdges (vtkDataSet *, const EdgeTable *=nullptr)
 Number of edges.
int NumberOfEmptyCells (vtkDataSet *)
 Number of empty/deleted cells.
int NumberOfFaces (vtkDataSet *)
 Number of faces.
int NumberOfPoints (vtkDataSet *)
 Number of points.
TransformationJacobian operator* (TransformationJacobian &a, double s)
 Multiply transformation Jacobian and scalar.
TransformationJacobian operator* (double s, TransformationJacobian &a)
 Multiply transformation Jacobian and scalar.
TransformationJacobian operator* (Matrix &a, TransformationJacobian &b)
 Calculate product of 3x3 matrix and transformation Jacobian.
MIRTKCU_API uint3 operator* (uint3 idx, dim3 dim)
 Multiply blockIdx and blockDim.
MIRTKCU_API uint3 operator* (dim3 dim, uint3 idx)
 Multiply blockDim and blockIdx.
MIRTKCU_API float1 operator* (float1 v, float s)
 Compute product of 1D vector and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API float2x2 operator* (float2x2 m, float s)
 Compute product of 2x2 matrix and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API float2x2 operator* (float s, float2x2 m)
 Compute product of scalar and 2x2 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API float2 operator* (float2x2 m, float2 p)
 Compute product of 2x2 matrix and 2D column vector.
MIRTKCU_API float2 operator* (float2 p, float2x2 m)
 Compute product of 2D row vector and 2x2 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API float3x3 operator* (float3x3 m, float s)
 Compute product of 3x3 matrix and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API float3x3 operator* (float s, float3x3 m)
 Compute product of scalar and 3x3 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API float3 operator* (float3x3 m, float3 p)
 Compute product of 3x3 matrix and 3D column vector.
MIRTKCU_API float3 operator* (float3 p, float3x3 m)
 Compute product of 3D row vector and 3x3 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API float3x4 operator* (float3x4 m, float s)
 Compute product of 3x4 matrix and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API float3x4 operator* (float s, float3x4 m)
 Compute product of scalar and 3x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API float2 operator* (float3x4 m, float2 p)
 Compute product of 3x4 coordinate transformation matrix and 2D point.
MIRTKCU_API float2 operator* (float3x4 m, int2 p)
 Compute product of 3x4 coordinate transformation matrix and 2D voxel.
MIRTKCU_API float2 operator* (float3x4 m, uint2 p)
 Compute product of 3x4 coordinate transformation matrix and 2D voxel.
MIRTKCU_API float3 operator* (float3x4 m, float3 p)
 Compute product of 3x4 coordinate transformation matrix and 3D point.
MIRTKCU_API float3 operator* (float3x4 m, int3 p)
 Compute product of 3x4 coordinate transformation matrix and 3D voxel.
MIRTKCU_API float3 operator* (float3x4 m, uint3 p)
 Compute product of 3x4 coordinate transformation matrix and 3D voxel.
MIRTKCU_API float4x4 operator* (float4x4 m, float s)
 Compute product of 4x4 matrix and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API float4x4 operator* (float s, float4x4 m)
 Compute product of scalar and 4x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API float2x2 operator* (float2x2 m, float2x2 n)
 Compute product of 2x2 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API float3x3 operator* (float3x3 m, float3x3 n)
 Compute product of 3x3 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API double1 operator* (double1 v, double s)
 Compute product of 1D vector and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double1 operator* (double s, double1 a)
 Compute product of scalar and 1D vector.
MIRTKCU_API double2 operator* (double2 v, double s)
 Compute product of 2D vector and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double2 operator* (double s, double2 a)
 Compute product of scalar and 2D vector.
MIRTKCU_API double3 operator* (double3 v, double s)
 Compute product of 3D vector and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double3 operator* (double s, double3 a)
 Compute product of scalar and 3D vector.
MIRTKCU_API double4 operator* (double4 v, double s)
 Compute product of 4D vector and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double4 operator* (double s, double4 a)
 Compute product of scalar and 4D vector.
MIRTKCU_API double1 operator* (double1 a, double1 b)
 Compute element-wise product of 1D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API double2 operator* (double2 a, double2 b)
 Compute element-wise product of 2D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API double3 operator* (double3 a, double3 b)
 Compute element-wise product of 3D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API double4 operator* (double4 a, double4 b)
 Compute element-wise product of 4D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API double2x2 operator* (double2x2 m, double s)
 Compute product of 2x2 matrix and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double2x2 operator* (double s, double2x2 m)
 Compute product of scalar and 2x2 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API double2 operator* (double2x2 m, double2 p)
 Compute product of 2x2 matrix and 2D column vector.
MIRTKCU_API double2 operator* (double2 p, double2x2 m)
 Compute product of transpose of 2D row vector and 2x2 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API double3x3 operator* (double3x3 m, double s)
 Compute product of 3x3 matrix and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double3x3 operator* (double s, double3x3 m)
 Compute product of scalar and 3x3 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API double3 operator* (double3x3 m, double3 p)
 Compute product of 3x3 matrix and 3D column vector.
MIRTKCU_API double3 operator* (double3 p, double3x3 m)
 Compute product of transpose of 3D row vector and 3x3 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API double3x4 operator* (double3x4 m, double s)
 Compute product of 3x4 matrix and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double3x4 operator* (double s, double3x4 m)
 Compute product of scalar and 3x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API double4x4 operator* (double4x4 m, double s)
 Compute product of 4x4 matrix and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double4x4 operator* (double s, double4x4 m)
 Compute product of scalar and 4x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API double2 operator* (double3x4 m, double2 p)
 Compute product of 3x4 coordinate transformation matrix and 2D point.
MIRTKCU_API double2 operator* (double3x4 m, int2 p)
 Compute product of 3x4 coordinate transformation matrix and 2D voxel.
MIRTKCU_API double2 operator* (double3x4 m, uint2 p)
 Compute product of 3x4 coordinate transformation matrix and 2D voxel.
MIRTKCU_API double3 operator* (double3x4 m, double3 p)
 Compute product of 3x4 coordinate transformation matrix and 3D point.
MIRTKCU_API double3 operator* (double3x4 m, int3 p)
 Compute product of 3x4 coordinate transformation matrix and 3D voxel.
MIRTKCU_API double3 operator* (double3x4 m, uint3 p)
 Compute product of 3x4 coordinate transformation matrix and 3D voxel.
MIRTKCU_API double2x2 operator* (double2x2 m, double2x2 n)
 Compute product of 2x2 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API double3x3 operator* (double3x3 m, double3x3 n)
 Compute product of 3x3 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (float2x2 &m, float s)
 Multiply 2x2 matrix by a scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (float3x3 &m, float s)
 Multiply 3x3 matrix by a scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (float3x4 &m, float s)
 Multiply 3x4 matrix by a scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (float4x4 &m, float s)
 Multiply 4x4 matrix by a scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (float2x2 &m, float2x2 n)
 Compute product of 2x2 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (float3x3 &m, float3x3 n)
 Compute product of 3x3 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (double1 &a, double s)
 Compute product of 1D vector and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (double2 &a, double s)
 Compute product of 2D vector and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (double3 &a, double s)
 Compute product of 3D vector and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (double4 &a, double s)
 Compute product of 4D vector and scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (double1 &a, double1 b)
 Compute element-wise product of 1D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (double2 &a, double2 b)
 Compute element-wise product of 2D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (double3 &a, double3 b)
 Compute element-wise product of 3D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (double4 &a, double4 b)
 Compute element-wise product of 4D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (double2x2 &m, double s)
 Multiply 2x2 matrix by a scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (double3x3 &m, double s)
 Multiply 3x3 matrix by a scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (double3x4 &m, double s)
 Multiply 3x4 matrix by a scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (double4x4 &m, double s)
 Multiply 4x4 matrix by a scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (double2x2 &m, double2x2 n)
 Compute product of 2x2 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator*= (double3x3 &m, double3x3 n)
 Compute product of 3x3 matrices.
TransformationJacobian operator+ (TransformationJacobian &a, TransformationJacobian &b)
 Calculate column-by-column sum of transformation Jacobian.
MIRTKCU_API float1 operator+ (float1 a, float1 b)
 Add two 1D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API float2x2 operator+ (float2x2 m, float s)
 Add scalar to 2x2 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API float3x3 operator+ (float3x3 m, float s)
 Add scalar to 3x3 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API float3x4 operator+ (float3x4 m, float s)
 Add scalar to 3x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API float4x4 operator+ (float4x4 m, float s)
 Add scalar to 4x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API float2x2 operator+ (float2x2 a, float2x2 b)
 Add two 2x2 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API float3x3 operator+ (float3x3 a, float3x3 b)
 Add two 3x3 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API float3x4 operator+ (float3x4 a, float3x4 b)
 Add two 3x4 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API float4x4 operator+ (float4x4 a, float4x4 b)
 Add two 4x4 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API double1 operator+ (double1 a, double s)
 Add scalar to 1D vector.
MIRTKCU_API double1 operator+ (double s, double1 a)
 Add scalar to 1D vector.
MIRTKCU_API double2 operator+ (double2 a, double s)
 Add scalar to 2D vector.
MIRTKCU_API double2 operator+ (double s, double2 a)
 Add scalar to 2D vector.
MIRTKCU_API double3 operator+ (double3 a, double s)
 Add scalar to 3D vector.
MIRTKCU_API double3 operator+ (double s, double3 a)
 Add scalar to 3D vector.
MIRTKCU_API double4 operator+ (double4 a, double s)
 Add scalar to 4D vector.
MIRTKCU_API double4 operator+ (double s, double4 a)
 Add scalar to 4D vector.
MIRTKCU_API double2x2 operator+ (double2x2 m, double s)
 Add scalar to 2x2 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API double3x3 operator+ (double3x3 m, double s)
 Add scalar to 3x3 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API double3x4 operator+ (double3x4 m, double s)
 Add scalar to 3x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API double4x4 operator+ (double4x4 m, double s)
 Add scalar to 4x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API double1 operator+ (double1 a, double1 b)
 Add two 1D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API double2 operator+ (double2 a, double2 b)
 Add two 2D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API double3 operator+ (double3 a, double3 b)
 Add two 3D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API double4 operator+ (double4 a, double4 b)
 Add two 4D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API double2x2 operator+ (double2x2 a, double2x2 b)
 Add two 2x2 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API double3x3 operator+ (double3x3 a, double3x3 b)
 Add two 3x3 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API double3x4 operator+ (double3x4 a, double3x4 b)
 Add two 3x4 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API double4x4 operator+ (double4x4 a, double4x4 b)
 Add two 4x4 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (float1 &a, float1 b)
 Add two 1D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (float2x2 &m, float s)
 Add scalar to 2x2 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (float3x3 &m, float s)
 Add scalar to 3x3 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (float3x4 &m, float s)
 Add scalar to 3x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (float4x4 &m, float s)
 Add scalar to 4x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (float2x2 &a, float2x2 b)
 Add two 2x2 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (float3x3 &a, float3x3 b)
 Add two 3x3 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (float3x4 &a, float3x4 b)
 Add two 3x4 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (float4x4 &a, float4x4 b)
 Add two 4x4 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (double1 &a, double s)
 Add scalar to 1D vector.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (double2 &a, double s)
 Add scalar to 2D vector.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (double3 &a, double s)
 Add scalar to 3D vector.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (double4 &a, double s)
 Add scalar to 4D vector.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (double2x2 &m, double s)
 Add scalar to 2x2 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (double3x3 &m, double s)
 Add scalar to 3x3 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (double3x4 &m, double s)
 Add scalar to 3x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (double4x4 &m, double s)
 Add scalar to 4x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (double1 &a, double1 b)
 Add two 1D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (double2 &a, double2 b)
 Add two 2D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (double3 &a, double3 b)
 Add two 3D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (double4 &a, double4 b)
 Add two 4D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (double2x2 &a, double2x2 b)
 Add two 2x2 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (double3x3 &a, double3x3 b)
 Add two 3x3 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (double3x4 &a, double3x4 b)
 Add two 3x4 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator+= (double4x4 &a, double4x4 b)
 Add two 4x4 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API float1 operator- (float1 a, float1 b)
 Subtract two 1D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API float2x2 operator- (float2x2 m, float s)
 Subtract scalar from 2x2 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API float3x3 operator- (float3x3 m, float s)
 Subtract scalar from 3x3 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API float3x4 operator- (float3x4 m, float s)
 Subtract scalar from 3x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API float4x4 operator- (float4x4 m, float s)
 Subtract scalar from 4x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API float2x2 operator- (float2x2 a, float2x2 b)
 Subtract two 2x2 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API float3x3 operator- (float3x3 a, float3x3 b)
 Subtract two 3x3 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API float3x4 operator- (float3x4 a, float3x4 b)
 Subtract two 3x4 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API float4x4 operator- (float4x4 a, float4x4 b)
 Subtract two 4x4 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API double1 operator- (double1 a, double s)
 Subtract scalar from 1D vector.
MIRTKCU_API double1 operator- (double s, double1 a)
 Subtract 1D vector from scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double2 operator- (double2 a, double s)
 Subtract scalar from 2D vector.
MIRTKCU_API double2 operator- (double s, double2 a)
 Subtract 2D vector from scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double3 operator- (double3 a, double s)
 Subtract scalar from 3D vector.
MIRTKCU_API double3 operator- (double s, double3 a)
 Subtract 3D vector from scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double4 operator- (double4 a, double s)
 Subtract scalar from 4D vector.
MIRTKCU_API double4 operator- (double s, double4 a)
 Subtract 4D vector from scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double2x2 operator- (double2x2 m, double s)
 Subtract scalar from 2x2 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API double3x3 operator- (double3x3 m, double s)
 Subtract scalar from 3x3 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API double3x4 operator- (double3x4 m, double s)
 Subtract scalar from 3x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API double4x4 operator- (double4x4 m, double s)
 Subtract scalar from 4x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API double1 operator- (double1 a, double1 b)
 Subtract two 1D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API double2 operator- (double2 a, double2 b)
 Subtract two 2D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API double3 operator- (double3 a, double3 b)
 Subtract two 3D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API double4 operator- (double4 a, double4 b)
 Subtract two 4D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API double2x2 operator- (double2x2 a, double2x2 b)
 Subtract two 2x2 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API double3x3 operator- (double3x3 a, double3x3 b)
 Subtract two 3x3 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API double3x4 operator- (double3x4 a, double3x4 b)
 Subtract two 3x4 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API double4x4 operator- (double4x4 a, double4x4 b)
 Subtract two 4x4 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (float1 &a, float1 b)
 Subtract two 1D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (float2x2 &m, float s)
 Subtract scalar from 2x2 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (float3x3 &m, float s)
 Subtract scalar from 3x3 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (float3x4 &m, float s)
 Subtract scalar from 3x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (float4x4 &m, float s)
 Subtract scalar from 4x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (float2x2 &a, float2x2 b)
 Subtract two 2x2 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (float3x3 &a, float3x3 b)
 Subtract two 3x3 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (float3x4 &a, float3x4 b)
 Subtract two 3x4 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (float4x4 &a, float4x4 b)
 Subtract two 4x4 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (double1 &a, double s)
 Subtract scalar from 1D vector.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (double2 &a, double s)
 Subtract scalar from 2D vector.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (double3 &a, double s)
 Subtract scalar from 3D vector.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (double4 &a, double s)
 Subtract scalar from 4D vector.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (double2x2 &m, double s)
 Subtract scalar from 2x2 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (double3x3 &m, double s)
 Subtract scalar from 3x3 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (double3x4 &m, double s)
 Subtract scalar from 3x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (double4x4 &m, double s)
 Subtract scalar from 4x4 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (double1 &a, double1 b)
 Subtract two 1D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (double2 &a, double2 b)
 Subtract two 2D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (double3 &a, double3 b)
 Subtract two 3D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (double4 &a, double4 b)
 Subtract two 4D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (double2x2 &a, double2x2 b)
 Subtract two 2x2 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (double3x3 &a, double3x3 b)
 Subtract two 3x3 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (double3x4 &a, double3x4 b)
 Subtract two 3x4 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API void operator-= (double4x4 &a, double4x4 b)
 Subtract two 4x4 matrices.
MIRTKCU_API float2x2 operator/ (float2x2 m, float s)
 Compute division of 2x2 matrix by scalar.
MIRTKCU_API float3x3 operator/ (float3x3 m, float s)
 Compute division of 3x3 matrix by scalar.
MIRTKCU_API float3x4 operator/ (float3x4 m, float s)
 Compute division of 3x4 matrix by scalar.
MIRTKCU_API float4x4 operator/ (float4x4 m, float s)
 Compute division of 4x4 matrix by scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double1 operator/ (double1 v, double s)
 Compute division of 1D vector by scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double2 operator/ (double2 v, double s)
 Compute division of 2D vector by scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double3 operator/ (double3 v, double s)
 Compute division of 3D vector by scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double4 operator/ (double4 v, double s)
 Compute division of 4D vector by scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double2x2 operator/ (double2x2 m, double s)
 Compute division of 2x2 matrix by scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double3x3 operator/ (double3x3 m, double s)
 Compute division of 3x3 matrix by scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double3x4 operator/ (double3x4 m, double s)
 Compute division of 3x4 matrix by scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double4x4 operator/ (double4x4 m, double s)
 Compute division of 4x4 matrix by scalar.
MIRTKCU_API double1 operator/ (double1 a, double1 b)
 Compute element-wise division of 1D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API double2 operator/ (double2 a, double2 b)
 Compute element-wise division of 2D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API double3 operator/ (double3 a, double3 b)
 Compute element-wise division of 3D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API double4 operator/ (double4 a, double4 b)
 Compute element-wise division of 4D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator/= (float2x2 &m, float s)
 Divide 2x2 matrix by a scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator/= (float3x3 &m, float s)
 Divide 3x3 matrix by a scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator/= (float3x4 &m, float s)
 Divide 3x4 matrix by a scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator/= (float4x4 &m, float s)
 Divide 4x4 matrix by a scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator/= (double1 &a, double s)
 Compute division of 1D vector by scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator/= (double2 &a, double s)
 Compute division of 2D vector by scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator/= (double3 &a, double s)
 Compute division of 3D vector by scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator/= (double4 &a, double s)
 Compute division of 4D vector by scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator/= (double2x2 &m, double s)
 Divide 2x2 matrix by a scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator/= (double3x3 &m, double s)
 Divide 3x3 matrix by a scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator/= (double3x4 &m, double s)
 Divide 3x4 matrix by a scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator/= (double4x4 &m, double s)
 Divide 4x4 matrix by a scalar.
MIRTKCU_API void operator/= (double1 &a, double1 b)
 Compute element-wise division of 1D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator/= (double2 &a, double2 b)
 Compute element-wise division of 2D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator/= (double3 &a, double3 b)
 Compute element-wise division of 3D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API void operator/= (double4 &a, double4 b)
 Compute element-wise division of 4D vectors.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator< (const float1 &a, const float1 &b)
 Check if 1D vector is lexicographically less than another.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator< (const float2 &a, const float2 &b)
 Check if 2D vector is lexicographically less than another.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator< (const float3 &a, const float3 &b)
 Check if 3D vector is lexicographically less than another.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator< (const float4 &a, const float4 &b)
 Check if 4D vector is lexicographically less than another.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator< (const double1 &a, const double1 &b)
 Check if 1D vector is lexicographically less than another.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator< (const double2 &a, const double2 &b)
 Check if 2D vector is lexicographically less than another.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator< (const double3 &a, const double3 &b)
 Check if 3D vector is lexicographically less than another.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator< (const double4 &a, const double4 &b)
 Check if 4D vector is lexicographically less than another.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator< (uint3 p, uint3 dim)
 Comparison operator for voxel coordinates with image dimensions.
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const Version &version)
 Write version to output stream.
Cofstreamoperator<< (Cofstream &, const PointSet &)
 Write point set to binary output file stream.
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const PointSet &)
 Write point set to text output stream.
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Point &)
 Write point coordinates to output stream.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator== (const float1 &a, const float1 &b)
 Check two 1D vectors for equality.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator== (const float2 &a, const float2 &b)
 Check two 2D vectors for equality.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator== (const float3 &a, const float3 &b)
 Check two 3D vectors for equality.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator== (const float4 &a, const float4 &b)
 Check two 4D vectors for equality.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator== (const float3x3 &a, const float3x3 &b)
 Check two 3x3 matrices for equality.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator== (const float3x4 &a, const float3x4 &b)
 Check two 3x4 matrices for equality.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator== (const float4x4 &a, const float4x4 &b)
 Check two 4x4 matrices for equality.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator== (const double1 &a, const double1 &b)
 Check two 1D vectors for equality.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator== (const double2 &a, const double2 &b)
 Check two 2D vectors for equality.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator== (const double3 &a, const double3 &b)
 Check two 3D vectors for equality.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator== (const double4 &a, const double4 &b)
 Check two 4D vectors for equality.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator== (const double3x3 &a, const double3x3 &b)
 Check two 3x3 matrices for equality.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator== (const double3x4 &a, const double3x4 &b)
 Check two 3x4 matrices for equality.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator== (const double4x4 &a, const double4x4 &b)
 Check two 4x4 matrices for equality.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator== (uint3 p, unsigned int s)
 Component-wise comparison operator for voxel coordinates with scalar value.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator> (uint3 p, uint3 dim)
 Comparison operator for voxel coordinates with image dimensions.
MIRTKCU_API bool operator>= (uint3 p, uint3 dim)
 Comparison operator for voxel coordinates with image dimensions.
istream & operator>> (istream &is, Version &version)
 Read version from input stream.
Cifstreamoperator>> (Cifstream &, PointSet &)
 Read point set from binary input file stream.
istream & operator>> (istream &, PointSet &)
 Read point set from text input stream.
istream & operator>> (istream &, Point &)
 Read point coordiantes from input stream.
ImageAttributes OrthogonalFieldOfView (const ImageAttributes &)
void OrthoNormalize3x3 (Matrix &)
 Orthonormalize upper 3x3 matrix using stabilized Gram-Schmidt.
ImageAttributes OverallFieldOfView (const Array< ImageAttributes > &)
template<typename Type >
void PAllocate (Type **&matrix, int n)
 Allocate 1D array of pointers initialized to nullptr.
template<typename Type >
Type ** PAllocate (int n)
 Allocate 1D array of pointers initialized to nullptr.
template<class Range , class Body >
void parallel_for (const Range &range, const Body &body)
 parallel_for dummy template function which executes the body serially
template<class Range , class Body >
void parallel_reduce (const Range &range, Body &body)
 parallel_reduce dummy template function which executes the body serially
string ParameterUnits (const string &str, string *name=nullptr, const char *dflt="")
void ParseParallelOption (int &, int &, char *[])
 Parse parallelization option.
void ParseProfilingOption (int &, int &, char *[])
 Parse profiling option.
void ParseStandardOption (int &, int &, char *[])
 Parse standard option.
void ParseTerminalOption (int &, int &, char *[])
 Parse terminal option.
template<class T >
void PartialSort (Array< T > &values, int n)
 Sort first n values in array.
template<class T , class Compare >
void PartialSort (Array< T > &values, int n, Compare comp)
 Sort values in array using custom comparator.
template<class T >
Array< T > Permutation (const Array< int > &order, const Array< T > &values)
ImageAttributes PointSetDomain (vtkPointSet *data, double dx=-1, double dy=-1, double dz=-1)
ImageAttributes PointSetDomain (vtkPointSet *data, const Vector3D< double > &ds)
int PolyDataAttributeType (const char *type)
ImageAttributes PolyDataDomain (vtkPolyData *data, double dx=-1, double dy=-1, double dz=-1)
ImageAttributes PolyDataDomain (vtkPolyData *data, const Vector3D< double > &ds)
EdgeList PopPointEdges (EdgeList &edges, int ptId)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & Print (std::ostream &os, T value)
 Print single argument to output stream.
template<typename T , typename... Args>
std::ostream & Print (std::ostream &os, T value, Args... args)
void PrintElapsedTime (const char *, double, TimeUnit=TIME_IN_SECONDS)
 Print elapsed time for profiled section.
void PrintParallelOptions (ostream &)
 Print parallelization command-line options.
void PrintParameter (std::ostream &os, const char *name, const char *value)
 Write "<name> = <value>" configuration entry to output stream.
void PrintParameter (std::ostream &os, const char *name, const string &value)
 Write "<name> = <value>" configuration entry to output stream.
void PrintParameter (std::ostream &os, const string &name, const string &value)
 Write "<name> = <value>" configuration entry to output stream.
template<class TValue >
void PrintParameter (std::ostream &os, const char *name, const TValue &value)
 Write "<name> = <value>" configuration entry to output stream.
template<class TValue >
void PrintParameter (std::ostream &os, const string &name, const TValue &value)
 Write "<name> = <value>" configuration entry to output stream.
void PrintProfilingOptions (ostream &)
 Print profiling command-line options.
void PrintRevision (ostream &)
 Print software revision number (or version if not available) only.
void PrintTerminalOptions (ostream &)
 Print terminal command-line options.
void PrintVersion (ostream &, const char *=NULL)
 Print build time stamp as version string.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > ReadDFS (const char *fname)
MIRTK_Common_DEPRECATED float ReadFloat (std::ifstream &)
 General routine to read float from a file stream.
MIRTK_Common_DEPRECATED int ReadInt (std::ifstream &)
 General routine to read float from a file stream.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > ReadOFF (const char *fname)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > ReadPointSet (const char *fname, bool exit_on_failure=true)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > ReadPointSet (const char *fname, FileOption &fopt, bool exit_on_failure=true)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > ReadPointSetTable (const char *fname, char sep=',', vtkPointSet *pointset=nullptr)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > ReadPolyData (const char *fname, bool exit_on_failure=true)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > ReadPolyData (const char *fname, FileOption &fopt, bool exit_on_failure=true)
MIRTK_Common_DEPRECATED char * ReadString (std::ifstream &)
 General routine to read list of char (string) from a file stream.
ParameterListRemove (ParameterList &params, string name)
 Remove parameter from parameters list.
template<class Type >
Type ** Reshape (Type **matrix, int x, int y)
 Reshape 2D array stored in contiguous memory block.
template<class Type >
Type *** Reshape (Type ***matrix, int x, int y, int z)
 Reshape 3D array stored in contiguous memory block.
template<class Type >
Type **** Reshape (Type ****matrix, int x, int y, int z, int t)
 Reshape 4D array stored in contiguous memory block.
void RigidParametersToMatrix (double tx, double ty, double tz, double cosrx, double cosry, double cosrz, double sinrx, double sinry, double sinrz, Matrix &m)
void RigidParametersToMatrix (double tx, double ty, double tz, double rx, double ry, double rz, Matrix &m)
Matrix RigidParametersToMatrix (double tx, double ty, double tz, double rx, double ry, double rz)
double RobustAverageEdgeLength (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >, const EdgeTable &)
double RobustAverageEdgeLength (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet >)
 Determine average edge length of point set.
void Scale (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > pointset, double)
 Scale point set around center.
template<typename T >
MIRTKCU_API int sgn (T val)
 Sign function -
template<class T >
void Sort (Array< T > &values)
 Sort values in array.
template<class T , class Compare >
void Sort (Array< T > &values, Compare comp)
 Sort values in array using custom comparator.
template<class TReal >
void SplinePoles (int degree, TReal pole[2], int &npoles)
 Recover spline poles from a lookup table.
Array< string > Split (string s, const char *d, int n=0, bool e=false, bool q=false)
Array< string > Split (string s, char d, int n=0, bool e=false, bool q=false)
Vector SquaredEdgeLengths (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >, const EdgeTable &)
 Compute squared edge lengths of point set given a precomputed edge table.
double SShapedMembershipFunction (double x, double a, double b)
template<class T >
void StableSort (Array< T > &values)
 Sort values in array while preserving order of equal entries.
template<class T , class Compare >
void StableSort (Array< T > &values, Compare comp)
 Sort values in array while preserving order of equal entries.
string StandardUnits (const string &str)
void swap16 (char *, char *, long)
 Swap bytes of a single word.
void swap32 (char *, char *, long)
 Swap bytes of two word.
void swap64 (char *, char *, long)
 Swap bytes of four word.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > Tetrahedralize (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet >)
 Tetrahedralize the interior of a piecewise linear complex (PLC)
template<typename... Args>
void Throw (ErrorType err, const char *func, Args... args)
template<class VoxelType >
MIRTKCU_HOST_API float * to_float (const VoxelType *in, unsigned int N)
 Copy and cast image to single-precision floating point.
string ToLower (const string &)
 Convert string to lowercase letters.
string ToPrettyString (const EnergyMeasure &value, int w=0, char c=' ', bool left=true)
 Convert energy measure enumeration value to human-friendly descriptive string.
string ToString (const ErrorType &value, int w, char c, bool left)
 Convert error type to string.
string ToString (const FFDIM &m, int w, char c, bool left)
 Convert FFD integration method enumeration value to string.
string ToString (const NiftiIntent &value, int w, char c, bool left)
 Convert NIfTI intent code to string.
string ToString (const ImageDataType &, int, char, bool)
 Convert image data type enumeration value to string.
string ToString (const ConnectivityType &value, int w, char c, bool left)
 Convert image connectivity type to string.
string ToString (const vtkDataSetAttributes::AttributeTypes &type, int w, char c, bool left)
 Convert vtkDataSetAttributes::AttributeType to string.
string ToString (const ConnectedComponentsOrdering &value, int w, char c, bool left)
 Convert connected components ordering to string.
string ToString (const EnergyMeasure &value, int w, char c, bool left)
 Convert energy measure enumeration value to string.
template<typename T >
string ToString (const T &value, int w=0, char c=' ', bool left=false)
 Convert numeric value to string.
string ToString (const enum ImplicitSurfaceForce::DistanceMeasureType &value, int w, char c, bool left)
 Convert implicit surface distance measure enumeration value to string.
string ToString (const bool &value, int w, char c, bool left)
 Convert boolean value to string.
TransformationType ToTransformationType (TransformationModel model, const ImageAttributes &domain)
string ToUpper (const string &)
 Convert string to uppercase letters.
template<class T , class UnaryOperation >
void Transform (Array< T > &values, UnaryOperation op)
 Apply unary operation for each array element in-place.
void Transform (const Matrix &m, double x, double y, double z, double &mx, double &my, double &mz)
 Muliply point by homogeneous transformation matrix.
void Transform (const Matrix &m, double &x, double &y, double &z)
 Muliply point by homogeneous transformation matrix.
Point Transform (const Matrix &m, const Point &p)
 Muliply point by homogeneous transformation matrix.
void TransformVector (const Matrix &m, double x, double y, double z, double &mx, double &my, double &mz)
 Muliply vector by 3x3 transformation matrix.
void TransformVector (const Matrix &m, double &x, double &y, double &z)
 Muliply vector by 3x3 transformation matrix.
void TransformVector (const Matrix &m, Vector &v)
 Muliply vector by 3x3 transformation matrix.
Vector TransformVector (const Matrix &m, const Vector &v)
 Muliply vector by 3x3 transformation matrix.
MIRTKCU_API float2x2 transpose (float2x2 m)
 Transpose 2x2 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API float3x3 transpose (float3x3 m)
 Transpose 3x3 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API double2x2 transpose (double2x2 m)
 Transpose 2x2 matrix.
MIRTKCU_API double3x3 transpose (double3x3 m)
 Transpose 3x3 matrix.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > Triangulate (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >)
 Triangulate surface mesh.
string Trim (const string &str, const string &what=" \\)
string TrimAll (const string &str, const string &what=" \\)
const char * umfpack_status_message (int status)
 Translate UMFPACK status code to message string.
template<class T >
UnorderedSet< T > Union (const UnorderedSet< T > &a, const UnorderedSet< T > &b)
string ValueUnits (const string &str, string *value=nullptr, const char *dflt="")
double Volume (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >)
 Get approximate volume enclosed by polygonal mesh.
string VtkAttributeTypeString (int type)
 Convert vtkDataSetAttributes::AttributeType to string.
string VtkDataTypeString (int type)
 Convert vtkDataSetAttributes::AttributeType to string.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > WorldToImage (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet > pointset, const BaseImage *image)
 Map point set points to voxel coordinates.
bool WriteDFS (const char *fname, vtkPolyData *polydata)
bool WriteOFF (const char *fname, vtkPolyData *polydata)
bool WritePointSet (const char *fname, vtkPointSet *pointset, FileOption fopt=FO_Default)
bool WritePointSetTable (const char *fname, vtkPointSet *pointset, char sep=',', bool ids=true, bool coords=true)
bool WritePolyData (const char *fname, vtkPolyData *polydata, FileOption fopt=FO_Default)
bool WriteTetGenNode (const char *fname, vtkPointSet *pointset)
bool WriteTetGenPoly (const char *fname, vtkPolyData *polydata, const PointSet *holes=nullptr)
bool WriteTetGenSMesh (const char *fname, vtkPolyData *polydata, const PointSet *holes=nullptr)


MIRTK_Common_EXPORT int debug
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT int debug_gpu
 Debugging level of GPU code.
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT int debug_time
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT TimeUnit debug_time_unit
 Time unit to use for output of time measurements.
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT const double deg_per_rad
 Degree per radian, i.e., \( 180 / \pi \).
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT const double inf
 Positive infinity.
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT const double nan
 Not A Number (NaN)
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT const char PATHSEP
 Path separating character.
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT const double pi
 Constant value of \( \pi \).
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT const double pi_half
 Constant value of \( \pi / 2 \).
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT const double rad_per_deg
 Radians per degree, i.e., \( \pi / 180 \).
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT bool stdout_color
 Whether to use color output to STDOUT.
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT int tbb_debug
 Debugging level of TBB code.
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT const double two_pi
 Constant value of \( 2\pi \).
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT bool use_gpu
 Enable/disable GPU acceleration.
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT int verbose
 Verbosity of output messages.
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT Version version
 Version to emulate.
MIRTK_Common_EXPORT const char * xreset
 Color escape sequences.

Detailed Description

These basic binary voxel functions can be used as VoxelFunc template parameter of the binary ForEachVoxel function templates as follows:

// Add one image to another in-place
GreyImage input (attr);
GreyImage output(attr);
// Set image in-place to maximum of both images
BinaryVoxelFunction::Max max;
ForEachVoxel(input, output, max);
BinaryVoxelFunction::Add add;
ParallelForEachVoxel(input, output, add);
// Compute sum-of-squared differences (SSD)
GreyImage target(attr);
GreyImage source(attr);
BinaryVoxelFunction::SSD ssd;
ForEachVoxel(target, source, ssd);
printf("SSD=%f\n", ssd.value);

multivariate gaussian probability distribution

Enumeration Type Documentation

§ ConnectedComponentsOrdering

Enumeration of possible orderings of connected components.


No sorting of output components.


Sort by decreasing size.


Sort by increasing size.

Definition at line 34 of file ConnectedComponents.h.

§ ConstraintMeasure

Enumeration of available transformation regularization terms

This enumeration constains only a subset of all EnergyMeasure enumeration values, whereby the integer value of corresponding enumeration values is equal.
See also

Unknown/invalid regularizer.


Volume preservation constraint.


Topology preservation constraint.


Default sparsity constraint.


Thin-plate spline bending energy.


Linear elastic energy.


Sparsity constraint based on l0-norm.


Sparsity constraint based on l1-norm.


Sparsity constraint based on l2-norm.


Squared logarithm of the Jacobian determinant.


Penalize negative Jacobian determinant.

Definition at line 37 of file ConstraintMeasure.h.

§ EnergyMeasure

Enumeration of all available energy terms.


Unknown/invalid energy term.


Joint entropy.




Mutual information.


Normalized mutual information.


Sum of squared differences.


Correlation ratio.


Correlation ratio.


Label consistency.


Kappa statistic.


Maximum likelihood.


Cosine of normalzed gradient field.


Normalized cross-correlation.


Local normalized cross-correlation.




Peak signal-to-noise ratio.


Fiducial registration error (FRE) measure.


Point correspondence distance measure.


Distance measure based on currents representation.


Distance measure based on varifold representation.


Balloon/inflation force.


Image edge force.


Image edge distance.


Implicit surface distance force.


Minimize metric distortion.


Stretching force (rest edge length)


Minimize curvature of point set surface.


Quadratic fit of neighor to tangent plane distance.


Gauss curvature constraint.


Mean curvature constraint.


Maximum curvature constraint.


Repels too close non-neighboring triangles.


Repels too close non-neighboring nodes.


Inflate point set surface.


Spring force.


Constant force in normal direction.


Volume preservation constraint.


Topology preservation constraint.


Default sparsity constraint.


Thin-plate spline bending energy.


Linear elastic energy.


Sparsity constraint based on l0-norm.


Sparsity constraint based on l1-norm.


Sparsity constraint based on l2-norm.


Squared logarithm of the Jacobian determinant.


Penalise negative Jacobian determinant.


Mean squared deviation from given deformation.


Number of enumeration values + 1.

Definition at line 31 of file EnergyMeasure.h.

§ Event

Events that can be observed.


Any event.


Observable has modified state/parameters.


Status message given as event data (const char *)


Log message given as event data (const char *)


Before initialization of filter execution.


Start of filter execution (after initialization)


Restart of filter execution.


End of filter execution (before finalization)


After finalization of filter execution.


Iteration with line search about to start.


Iteration started.


Iteration finished.


Observer has been registered.


Observer has been unregistered.


Line search started.


Line search iteration.


Line search iteration.


Line search finished.


Accepted objective function value Event data is the new value as double


Rejected objective function value Event data is the rejected value as double

Definition at line 32 of file Event.h.

§ ExtensionMode

Enumeration of file path extension retrival modes.


Default extension mode.


No part of the file is considered to be an extension.


Last file extension only.


Last file extension possibly plus ".gz".


Last file extension with possibly ".gz" removed first.


All file extensions, i.e., everything after first dot (besides leading dot of hidden files on Unix)

Definition at line 42 of file Path.h.

§ ExternalForceTerm

Enumeration of available external point set force terms

This enumeration constains only a subset of all EnergyMeasure enumeration values, whereby the integer value of corresponding enumeration values is equal.
See also

Definition at line 37 of file ExternalForceTerm.h.

§ FileOption

Enumeration of file type options.


Default options.


Uncompressed ASCII.


(Compressed) binary


Unompressed binary.

Definition at line 64 of file PointSetIO.h.

§ LineSearchStrategy

Enumeration of available line search strategies.


No line search.


Inexact line search with adaptive step length.


Numerical recipes linmin function using Brent's method.


Alias for LS_Brent.

Definition at line 32 of file LineSearch.h.

§ MFFDMode

Enumeration of available multi-level transformation modes.


Choose suitable default multi-level transformation model.


Use single transformation without additional global or local transformations.


One transformation for each resolution level with additive composition.


One transformation for each resolution level with fluid composition.


Additive multi-level stationary velocity field.

Definition at line 234 of file TransformationModel.h.

§ NiftiUnits

NIfTI units codes to describe the unit of measurement for each dimension of the dataset


NIFTI code for unspecified units.


NIFTI code for meters.


NIFTI code for millimeters.


NIFTI code for micrometers.


NIFTI code for seconds.


NIFTI code for milliseconds.


NIFTI code for microseconds.


NIFTI code for Hertz.


NIFTI code for ppm.


NIFTI code for radians per second.

Definition at line 118 of file NiftiImageInfo.h.

§ NiftiXForm

NIfTI xform codes to describe the "standard" coordinate system.


Arbitrary coordinates (Method 1)


Scanner-based anatomical coordinates.


Coordinates aligned to another file's, or to anatomical "truth"


Coordinates aligned to Talairach- Tournoux Atlas; (0,0,0)=AC, etc.


MNI 152 normalized coordinates.

Definition at line 105 of file NiftiImageInfo.h.

§ OptimizationMethod

Enumeration of available optimization methods.


Explicit Euler method for deformable surface models.


Explicit Euler method with momentum for deformable surface models.


Explicit Euler method with momentum for deformable surface models.

Definition at line 33 of file OptimizationMethod.h.

§ PointSetDistanceMeasure

Enumeration of available point set distance measures

This enumeration constains only a subset of all EnergyMeasure enumeration values, whereby the integer value of corresponding enumeration values is equal.
See also

Definition at line 37 of file PointSetDistanceMeasure.h.

§ SimilarityMeasure

Enumeration of available similarity measures

This enumeration constains only a subset of all EnergyMeasure enumeration values, whereby the integer value of corresponding enumeration values is equal.
See also

Unknown/invalid image (dis-)similarity measure.


Joint entropy.




Mutual information.


Normalized mutual information.


Sum of squared differences.


Correlation ratio.


Correlation ratio.


Label consistency.


Kappa statistic.


Maximum likelihood.


Cosine of normalzed gradient field.


Normalized cross-correlation.


Local normalized cross-correlation.




Peak signal-to-noise ratio.

Definition at line 37 of file SimilarityMeasure.h.

§ TimeFormat


Print elapsed time using time units.


Print elapsed time with format "HH:MM:SS".


Print elapsed time with format "[H h] [M min] [S sec]".


Print elapsed time with format "[M min] [S sec]".

Definition at line 54 of file Profiling.h.

§ TransformationModel

Enumeration of transformation models

A transformation model is implemented by one or more transformation classes and futhermore may be used to determine additional registration settings, such as hard and soft transformation constraints. Thus, the transformation model differs in semantics from the transformation type.

See also
TransformationType, ToTransformationType

Unknown/invalid transformation model.


Linear transformation with up to 6 DoFs (rotate, translate)


Linear transformation with up to 7 DoFs (rotate, translate, global scale)


Linear transformation with up to 12 DoFs (rotate, translate, scale, skew)


Displacement field with linear interpolation.


Displacement field with B-spline interpolation.


Displacement field with B-spline interpolation using a statistical model.


Stationary velocity field with B-spline interpolation.


Non-stationary velocity field with B-spline interpolation.


Number of available transformation models + 1.

Definition at line 41 of file TransformationModel.h.

§ TransformationType

Enumeration of transformation types

Each transformation class has its own enumeration value which is written to the transformation file right after the magic number. Different versions are distinguished by different type IDs.

Enumeration values 50-60 were assigned to the refactored FFD types which store the control point data in an instance of GenericImage.

Enumeration values 70-80 were assigned to the refactored FFD types which store also the method used to extrapolate control point coefficients outside the finite discrete lattice on which the FFD is defined.

Do not change the enumeration value of existing entries as then already saved transformation files are not identified correctly. To yet allow a better ordering of the entries, the enumeration values are thus assigned explicitly, also to remind of this.

Definition at line 45 of file TransformationType.h.

Function Documentation

§ AddPoints()

void mirtk::AddPoints ( PointSet oset,
vtkPointSet *  iset 

Add points of vtkPointSet to mirtk::PointSet

[out]osetPoint set to which the vtkPointSet points are added.
[in]isetVTK point set.

§ AffineParametersToMatrix() [1/4]

void mirtk::AffineParametersToMatrix ( double  tx,
double  ty,
double  tz,
double  rx,
double  ry,
double  rz,
double  sx,
double  sy,
double  sz,
double  sxy,
double  sxz,
double  syz,
Matrix m 

Construct 4x4 homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix from affine transformation parameters. The output transformation matrix is the composition of a shearing, followed by a scaling, followed by a rotation, followed by a translation, i.e.,

T = Translate * Rotate * Scale * Shear, where Rotate = (Rz Ry Rx)^T

[in]txTranslation along x axis.
[in]tyTranslation along y axis.
[in]tzTranslation along z axis.
[in]rxRotation around x axis in radians.
[in]ryRotation around y axis in radians.
[in]rzRotation around z axis in radians.
[in]sxScaling of x axis (factor, not percentage).
[in]syScaling of y axis (factor, not percentage).
[in]szScaling of z axis (factor, not percentage).
[in]sxySkew between x and y axes in radians.
[in]sxzSkew between x and z axes in radians.
[in]syzSkew between y and z axes in radians.
[out]mHomogeneous transformation matrix.

§ AffineParametersToMatrix() [2/4]

Matrix mirtk::AffineParametersToMatrix ( double  tx,
double  ty,
double  tz,
double  rx,
double  ry,
double  rz,
double  sx,
double  sy,
double  sz,
double  sxy,
double  sxz,
double  syz 

Construct 4x4 homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix from affine transformation parameters. The output transformation matrix is the composition a scaling, followed by a rotation, followed by a translation, i.e.,

T = Translate * Rotate * Scale, where Rotate = (Rz Ry Rx)^T

[in]txTranslation along x axis.
[in]tyTranslation along y axis.
[in]tzTranslation along z axis.
[in]rxRotation around x axis in radians.
[in]ryRotation around y axis in radians.
[in]rzRotation around z axis in radians.
[in]sxScaling of x axis (factor, not percentage).
[in]syScaling of y axis (factor, not percentage).
[in]szScaling of z axis (factor, not percentage).
[in]sxySkew between x and y axes in radians.
[in]sxzSkew between x and z axes in radians.
[in]syzSkew between y and z axes in radians.
Homogeneous transformation matrix.

Definition at line 1415 of file Matrix.h.

§ AffineParametersToMatrix() [3/4]

void mirtk::AffineParametersToMatrix ( double  tx,
double  ty,
double  tz,
double  rx,
double  ry,
double  rz,
double  sx,
double  sy,
double  sz,
Matrix m 

Construct 4x4 homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix from affine transformation parameters. The output transformation matrix is the composition a scaling, followed by a rotation, followed by a translation, i.e.,

T = Translate * Rotate * Scale, where Rotate = (Rz Ry Rx)^T

[in]txTranslation along x axis.
[in]tyTranslation along y axis.
[in]tzTranslation along z axis.
[in]rxRotation around x axis in radians.
[in]ryRotation around y axis in radians.
[in]rzRotation around z axis in radians.
[in]sxScaling of x axis (factor, not percentage).
[in]syScaling of y axis (factor, not percentage).
[in]szScaling of z axis (factor, not percentage).
[out]mHomogeneous transformation matrix.

Definition at line 1441 of file Matrix.h.

§ AffineParametersToMatrix() [4/4]

Matrix mirtk::AffineParametersToMatrix ( double  tx,
double  ty,
double  tz,
double  rx,
double  ry,
double  rz,
double  sx,
double  sy,
double  sz 

Construct 4x4 homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix from affine transformation parameters. The output transformation matrix is the composition a scaling, followed by a rotation, followed by a translation, i.e.,

T = Translate * Rotate * Scale, where Rotate = (Rz Ry Rx)^T

[in]txTranslation along x axis.
[in]tyTranslation along y axis.
[in]tzTranslation along z axis.
[in]rxRotation around x axis in radians.
[in]ryRotation around y axis in radians.
[in]rzRotation around z axis in radians.
[in]sxScaling of x axis (factor, not percentage).
[in]syScaling of y axis (factor, not percentage).
[in]szScaling of z axis (factor, not percentage).
Homogeneous transformation matrix.

Definition at line 1465 of file Matrix.h.

§ ApproximateAffineMatrix() [1/2]

Matrix mirtk::ApproximateAffineMatrix ( const PointSet target,
const PointSet source,
const Vector weight 

Find affine transformation matrix which minimizes the mean squared distance between two given sets of corresponding points (e.g., landmarks, fiducial markers)

[in]target(Transformed) Target point set.
[in]sourceFixed source point set.
[in]weightWeight of corresponding point pair. All correspondences are weighted equally if vector is empty.
Homogeneous transformation matrix of the target points.

§ ApproximateAffineMatrix() [2/2]

Matrix mirtk::ApproximateAffineMatrix ( const PointSet target,
const PointSet source 

Find affine transformation matrix which minimizes the mean squared distance between two given sets of corresponding points (e.g., landmarks, fiducial markers)

[in]target(Transformed) Target point set.
[in]sourceFixed source point set.
Homogeneous transformation matrix of the target points.

§ BiInvariantMean()

Matrix mirtk::BiInvariantMean ( int  n,
const Matrix matrices,
const double *  weights = NULL,
int  niter = 20,
double  tol = 1e-12,
const Matrix mu0 = NULL 

Compute exponential barycenter / bi-invariant mean of transformation matrices

This function finds the exponential barycenter of a set of rigid/affine transformation matrices using a fixed point iteration (Gauss-Newton; Barycentric fixed point iteration on Lie groups).

\[ mu_{t+1} = mu_t \exp\left( \sum w_i \log\left( mu_t^{-1} matrices_i \right) \right) \]

See also
Arsigny and Pennec, Exponential Barycenters of the Canonical Cartan Connection and Invariant Means on Lie Groups, Matrix Information Geometry (2012)
[in]nNumber of matrices.
[in]matricesTransformation matrices.
[in]weightsWeights of transformation matrices. Uniform weighting if NULL.
[in]niterMaximum number of fixed point iterations.
[in]tolTolerance of residual infinity norm.
[in]mu0Start value of fixed point iteration. First matrix if NULL.
Mean transformation matrix.

§ CamelCaseToPrettyParameterName()

string mirtk::CamelCaseToPrettyParameterName ( const string &  s)

Convert (upper) camel case string to space separated string

[in]sCamel case string.
String starting with uppercase letter followed by lowercase letters only and a space character before each uppercase letter in the camel case string.

§ ComputeArea()

double mirtk::ComputeArea ( vtkCell *  cell)

Compute area of cell

Area of cell or NaN if cell type is not supported.

§ ComputeTangents()

bool mirtk::ComputeTangents ( const double  n[3],
double  e1[3],
double  e2[3] 

Compute orthogonal vectors spanning the tangent plane of a cell

[in]nCell normal vector.
[out]e1First normal vector in tangent plane.
[out]e2Second normal vector in tangent plane.
Whether tangent vectors are valid.

Definition at line 187 of file PointSetUtils.h.

§ ComputeVolume()

double mirtk::ComputeVolume ( vtkCell *  cell)

Compute volume of cell

Volume of cell or NaN if cell type is not supported.

§ ConvexHull()

vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> mirtk::ConvexHull ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet >  pointset,
int  levels = 3 

Get convex hull of point set

[in]pointsetInput point set.
[in]levelsParameter of vtkHull::AddRecursiveSpherePlanes.
Convex hull of input point set.

§ DataSetSurface()

vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> mirtk::DataSetSurface ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet >  dataset,
bool  passPtIds = false,
bool  passCellIds = false 

Get boundary surface mesh

[in]datasetDataset whose boundary surface is extracted.
[in]passPtIdsWhether to pass point array with IDs of points in dataset.
[in]passCellIdsWhether to pass cell array with IDs of cells in dataset.
Boundary surface mesh.

§ Deallocate() [1/3]

template<class Type >
void mirtk::Deallocate ( Type **&  matrix,
void *  data = NULL 

Deallocate 2D array stored in contiguous memory block

[in]matrixPreviously allocated array or NULL.
[in]dataContiguous memory used by this array, but managed separately. If not NULL, only the pointers in the array are deallocated, but not the data memory itself. Otherwise, also the contiguous data memory block is freed.

Definition at line 50 of file Deallocate.h.

§ Deallocate() [2/3]

template<class Type >
void mirtk::Deallocate ( Type ***&  matrix,
void *  data = NULL 

Deallocate 3D array stored in contiguous memory block

[in]matrixPreviously allocated array or NULL.
[in]dataContiguous memory used by this array, but managed separately. If not NULL, only the pointers in the array are deallocated, but not the data memory itself. Otherwise, also the contiguous data memory block is freed.

Definition at line 69 of file Deallocate.h.

§ Deallocate() [3/3]

template<class Type >
void mirtk::Deallocate ( Type ****&  matrix,
void *  data = NULL 

Deallocate 4D array stored in contiguous memory block

[in]matrixPreviously allocated array or NULL.
[in]dataContiguous memory used by this array, but managed separately. If not NULL, only the pointers in the array are deallocated, but not the data memory itself. Otherwise, also the contiguous data memory block is freed.

Definition at line 89 of file Deallocate.h.

§ DeepCopyArrayUsingCaseInsensitiveName()

int mirtk::DeepCopyArrayUsingCaseInsensitiveName ( vtkDataSetAttributes *  dst,
vtkDataSetAttributes *  src,
const char *  name 

Copy named data array from one dataset attributes to another

If an array with the given name exists in the destination dataset attributes, it's data is overridden using the vtkDataSetAttributes::DeepCopy function. Otherwise, a new array is added.

dstDestination dataset attributes.
srcSource dataset attributes.
nameCase insensitive name of data array.
Index of array in destination or -1 if source array not found.

§ EdgeLengthNormalDistribution() [1/2]

void mirtk::EdgeLengthNormalDistribution ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >  points,
const EdgeTable edgeTable,
double &  mean,
double &  sigma 

Compute statistics of edge lengths

[in]edgeTableEdge table.
[out]meanAverage edge length.
[out]sigmaStandard deviation of edge length.

§ EdgeLengthNormalDistribution() [2/2]

void mirtk::EdgeLengthNormalDistribution ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet >  pointset,
double &  mean,
double &  sigma 

Compute statistics of edge lengths

[in]pointsetPoint set.
[out]meanAverage edge length.
[out]sigmaStandard deviation of edge length.

§ ElapsedTimeToString()

string mirtk::ElapsedTimeToString ( double  t,
TimeUnit  units = TIME_IN_SECONDS,
TimeFormat  fmt = TIME_FORMAT_HHMMSS,
int  w = 0,
char  c = ' ',
bool  left = false 

Convert elapsed time given in the specified units to string of given format

[in]tElapsed time in specified units.
[in]unitsUnits of time measurement.
[in]fmtTime string format.
[in]wWidth of time field when fmt is not TIME_FORMAT_HHMMSS.
[in]cCharacter used to fill time field.
[in]leftWhether to print time value left justified.

§ fdec() [1/2]

MIRTKCU_API double mirtk::fdec ( double  f)

Decrement floating-point number by the smallest possible amount such that the resulting number is less than the original number.

Definition at line 188 of file Math.h.

§ fdec() [2/2]

MIRTKCU_API double mirtk::fdec ( double  f,
double  df 

Decrement floating point number by a given amount, ensuring that the result is not equal f.

Note that due to roundoff errors, subtracting a small number from a big number, may result in a number which is yet equal the initial big number. This function adjusts the decrement if necessary such that the result is guaranteed to be smaller (df > 0) or greater (df < 0) than f. If df is zero, f remains unchanged.

Definition at line 224 of file Math.h.

§ fequal()

MIRTKCU_API bool mirtk::fequal ( double  a,
double  b,
double  tol = 1e-12 
Use AreEqual instead.

Definition at line 138 of file Math.h.

§ finc() [1/2]

MIRTKCU_API double mirtk::finc ( double  f)

Increment floating-point number by the smallest possible amount such that the resulting number is greater than the original number.

Definition at line 178 of file Math.h.

§ finc() [2/2]

MIRTKCU_API double mirtk::finc ( double  f,
double  df 

Increment floating point number by a given amount, ensuring that the result is not equal f.

Note that due to roundoff errors, adding a small number to a big number, may result in a number which is yet equal the initial big number. This function adjusts the increment if necessary such that the result is guaranteed to be greater (df > 0) or smaller (df < 0) than f. If df is zero, f remains unchanged.

Definition at line 204 of file Math.h.

§ FrechetMean() [1/2]

Matrix mirtk::FrechetMean ( const Matrix matrices,
const double *  weights,
int  n,
int  niter = 20,
double  tol = 1e-12,
const Matrix mu0 = NULL 
Use BiInvariantMean instead

Definition at line 1205 of file Matrix.h.

§ FrechetMean() [2/2]

Matrix mirtk::FrechetMean ( const Matrix matrices,
int  n,
int  niter = 20,
double  tol = 1e-12,
const Matrix mu0 = NULL 
Use BiInvariantMean instead

Definition at line 1214 of file Matrix.h.

§ GetArrayByCaseInsensitiveName()

vtkDataArray* mirtk::GetArrayByCaseInsensitiveName ( vtkDataSetAttributes *  data,
const char *  name,
int *  loc = NULL 

Get point data array using case insensitive name

[in]dataPoint or cell data attributes (cf. vtkPolyData::GetPointData, vtkPolyData::GetCellData).
[in]nameCase insenitive name of data array.
[out]locSet to array index if not NULL.
Pointer to data array or NULL if not found.

§ GetCurrentRSS()

size_t mirtk::GetCurrentRSS ( )

Returns the current resident set size (physical memory use) measured in bytes, or zero if the value cannot be determined on this OS.

§ GetDate()

string mirtk::GetDate ( )

Get current date in the format "%d %b %Y"

See also

§ GetDateTime()

string mirtk::GetDateTime ( )

Get current date and time in the format "%c %Z"

See also

§ GetMinMaxEdgeLength() [1/2]

void mirtk::GetMinMaxEdgeLength ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >  points,
const EdgeTable edgeTable,
double &  min,
double &  max 

Determine minimum and maximum edge length

[in]edgeTableEdge table.
[out]minMinimum edge length.
[out]maxMaximum edge length.

§ GetMinMaxEdgeLength() [2/2]

void mirtk::GetMinMaxEdgeLength ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet >  pointset,
double &  min,
double &  max 

Determine minimum and maximum edge length

[in]pointsetPoint set.
[out]minMinimum edge length.
[out]maxMaximum edge length.

§ GetPeakRSS()

size_t mirtk::GetPeakRSS ( )

Returns the peak (maximum so far) resident set size (physical memory use) measured in bytes, or zero if the value cannot be determined on this OS.

§ GetPointEdges()

EdgeList mirtk::GetPointEdges ( const EdgeList edges,
int  ptId 

Get list of edges with given end point

[in]edgesList of edges.
[in]ptIdEdge end point.
List of edges, where ptId is always the first entry.

§ GetTime()

string mirtk::GetTime ( )

Get current time in the format "%H:%M:%S %Z"

See also

§ ImageStencilToMask()

void mirtk::ImageStencilToMask ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageStencilData >  stencil,
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData >  image 

Convert surface image stencil to binary mask

[out]imageImage data with voxel type IRTK_VOXEL_BINARY.
[in]stencilImage stencil.

§ InitializeDeformableLibrary()

void mirtk::InitializeDeformableLibrary ( )

Initialize MIRTK Deformable library

Registers all available types with their respective object factories.

§ InitializeNumericsLibrary()

void mirtk::InitializeNumericsLibrary ( )

Initialize MIRTK Numerics library

Registers all available types with their respective object factories.

§ InitializeRegistrationLibrary()

void mirtk::InitializeRegistrationLibrary ( )

Initialize MIRTK Registration library

Registers all available types with their respective object factories.

§ InitializeTransformationLibrary()

void mirtk::InitializeTransformationLibrary ( )

Initialize MIRTK Transformation library

Registers all available types with their respective object factories.

§ Intersection()

template<class T >
UnorderedSet<T> mirtk::Intersection ( const UnorderedSet< T > &  a,
const UnorderedSet< T > &  b 

Intersection of two unordered sets

set_intersection cannot be used for unsorted containers!

Definition at line 302 of file Algorithm.h.

§ IsCategoricalArrayName()

bool mirtk::IsCategoricalArrayName ( const string &  name)

Determine whether data array name suggests it contains categorical values

[in]nameData array name.

§ IsTransformation()

bool mirtk::IsTransformation ( const char *  name)

Check whether a named file is an MIRTK transformation file

[in]nameFile name.
Whether the named file exists and stores an MIRTK transformation.

§ LogEuclideanMean()

Matrix mirtk::LogEuclideanMean ( int  n,
const Matrix matrices,
const double *  weights = NULL 

Compute log-Euclidean mean of transformation matrices

\[ mu = \exp\left( \sum w_i \log\left( matrices_i \right) \right) \]

[in]nNumber of matrices.
[in]matricesTransformation matrices.
[in]weightsWeights of transformation matrices. Uniform weighting if NULL.
Mean transformation matrix.

§ MatrixToAffineParameters()

void mirtk::MatrixToAffineParameters ( const Matrix m,
double &  tx,
double &  ty,
double &  tz,
double &  rx,
double &  ry,
double &  rz,
double &  sx,
double &  sy,
double &  sz,
double &  sxy,
double &  sxz,
double &  syz 

Extract affine transformation parameters from 4x4 homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix. The input transformation matrix is assumed to be the composition of a shearing, followed by a scaling, followed by a rotation, followed by a translation, i.e.,

T = Translate * Rotate * Scale * Shear, where Rotate = (Rz Ry Rx)^T

See also
Graphicx Gems II, with a 12 DoF model without perspective distortion
[in]mHomogeneous coordinate transformation matrix.
[out]txTranslation along x axis.
[out]tyTranslation along y axis.
[out]tzTranslation along z axis.
[out]rxRotation around x axis in radians.
[out]ryRotation around y axis in radians.
[out]rzRotation around z axis in radians.
[out]sxScaling of x axis (factor, not percentage).
[out]syScaling of y axis (factor, not percentage).
[out]szScaling of z axis (factor, not percentage).
[out]sxySkew between x and y axes in radians.
[out]sxzSkew between x and z axes in radians.
[out]syzSkew between y and z axes in radians.

§ MatrixToEulerAngles()

void mirtk::MatrixToEulerAngles ( const Matrix m,
double &  rx,
double &  ry,
double &  rz 

Extract Euler angles from 4x4 homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix. The input transformation matrix is assumed to be the composition of a rotation followed by a translation, i.e.,

T = Translate * Rotate, where Rotate = (Rz Ry Rx)^T

[in]mHomogeneous coordinate transformation matrix.
[out]rxRotation around x axis in radians.
[out]ryRotation around y axis in radians.
[out]rzRotation around z axis in radians.

§ MatrixToRigidParameters()

void mirtk::MatrixToRigidParameters ( const Matrix m,
double &  tx,
double &  ty,
double &  tz,
double &  rx,
double &  ry,
double &  rz 

Extract rigid transformation parameters from 4x4 homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix. The input transformation matrix is assumed to be the composition of a rotation followed by a translation, i.e.,

T = Translate * Rotate, where Rotate = (Rz Ry Rx)^T

[in]mHomogeneous coordinate transformation matrix.
[out]txTranslation along x axis.
[out]tyTranslation along y axis.
[out]tzTranslation along z axis.
[out]rxRotation around x axis in radians.
[out]ryRotation around y axis in radians.
[out]rzRotation around z axis in radians.

§ MaxEdgeLength() [1/2]

double mirtk::MaxEdgeLength ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >  points,
const EdgeTable edgeTable 

Determine maximum edge length

[in]edgeTableEdge table.
Maximum edge length.

§ MaxEdgeLength() [2/2]

double mirtk::MaxEdgeLength ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet >  pointset)

Determine maximum edge length

[in]pointsetPoint set.
Maximum edge length.

§ MinEdgeLength() [1/2]

double mirtk::MinEdgeLength ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >  points,
const EdgeTable edgeTable 

Determine minimum edge length

[in]edgeTableEdge table.
Minimum edge length.

§ MinEdgeLength() [2/2]

double mirtk::MinEdgeLength ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointSet >  pointset)

Determine minimum edge length

[in]pointsetPoint set.
Minimum edge length.

§ NewVtkDataArray()

vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> mirtk::NewVtkDataArray ( int  type = VTK_VOID,
int  tuples = 0,
int  comps = 1,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Instantiate new VTK data array of given type

[in]typeVTK data type ID, e.g., VTK_FLOAT. When VTK_VOID, a floating point data array with default precision, i.e., either single or double is returned.
[in]tuplesNumber of tuples. The array is uninitialized when non-positive.
[in]compsNumber of components per tuple.
[in]nameData array name.
New VTK data array instance.

§ NewVTKDataArray()

vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> mirtk::NewVTKDataArray ( int  type = VTK_VOID)
Use NewVtkDataArray instead

§ NewVtkMask()

vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageData> mirtk::NewVtkMask ( int  nx,
int  ny,
int  nz 

Instantiate new VTK image mask

Note that vtkImageData has no implicit orientation. Therefore we just convert the image in voxel coordinates (origin at 0 and voxel size 1x1x1) and instead convert points to voxel coordinates.

§ NthElement() [1/2]

template<class T >
T& mirtk::NthElement ( Array< T > &  values,
int  n 

Sort values of array such that values before the n-th element are smaller than this element and elements after are greater or equal

Definition at line 181 of file Algorithm.h.

§ NthElement() [2/2]

template<class T , class Compare >
T& mirtk::NthElement ( Array< T > &  values,
int  n,
Compare  comp 

Sort values of array such that values before the n-th element are smaller than this element and elements after are greater or equal according to a custom comparator functor

Definition at line 191 of file Algorithm.h.

§ OrthogonalFieldOfView()

ImageAttributes mirtk::OrthogonalFieldOfView ( const ImageAttributes )

Ensure that image domain has orthogonal basis vectors, i.e., no additional affine transformation which contains any shearing

Image grid which fully contains the input image domain but without additional affine transformation (_smat is identity matrix).
The returned image domain need not be an axis-aligned bounding box! When the Geometric Tools Engine (GTEngine) library is available, the minimum-volume bounding box is returned.

§ OverallFieldOfView()

ImageAttributes mirtk::OverallFieldOfView ( const Array< ImageAttributes > &  )

This method implements a method to find a common image grid which fully contains all given image grids in world space

The voxel size of the resulting grid corresponds to the average voxel size of the input images. The orientation and origin are chosen such that the resulting image domain overlaps all input images in world space with a near to minimal image volume. The current implementation only uses an heuristic approach to find such minimal oriented bounding box of the input domains. When the Geometric Tools Engine (GTEngine) library is available, the minimum-volume bounding box is returned.

Additional information regarding algorithms to find the optimal minimum-volume oriented bounding box (OBB) can be found at:

The final overall image grid computed by this function must be independent of the order in which the input attributes are given in the input list. Otherwise an inverse consistent registration might still depend on the order of the input images.

§ ParameterUnits()

string mirtk::ParameterUnits ( const string &  str,
string *  name = nullptr,
const char *  dflt = "" 

Splits a parameter name string such as "Resolution [mm]" into prefix and units

[in]strParameter name string with optional units specification.
[out]nameName of parameter without units specification.
[in]dfltDefault units if none specified.
Standard units string or dflt string if units specification missing.

§ Permutation()

template<class T >
Array<T> mirtk::Permutation ( const Array< int > &  order,
const Array< T > &  values 

Get permutation of array values given a permutation of array indices

See also
IncreasingOrder, DecreasingOrder

Definition at line 233 of file Algorithm.h.

§ PointSetDomain() [1/2]

ImageAttributes mirtk::PointSetDomain ( vtkPointSet *  data,
double  dx = -1,
double  dy = -1,
double  dz = -1 

Determine bounding box of point set

[in]dataData set.
[in]dxDesired lattice spacing along x axis. If non-positive, the average interval between the x coordinates of the input points is used.
[in]dyDesired lattice spacing along y axis. If non-positive, the average interval between the y coordinates of the input points is used.
[in]dzDesired lattice spacing along z axis. If non-positive, the average interval between the z coordinates of the input points is used.
Attributes of oriented minimum-volume bounding box.

§ PointSetDomain() [2/2]

ImageAttributes mirtk::PointSetDomain ( vtkPointSet *  data,
const Vector3D< double > &  ds 

Determine bounding box of point set

[in]dataData set.
[in]dsDesired lattice spacing. If an entry is non-positive, the average interval between the coordinates of the input points along this axis is used.
Attributes of oriented minimum-volume bounding box.

§ PolyDataAttributeType()

int mirtk::PolyDataAttributeType ( const char *  type)

Map string to vtkDataSetAttributes::AttributeTypes enumeration value

typeCase insensitive attribute type name (e.g. "scalars", "NORMALS")
VTK data set attribute type ID (e.g., vtkDataSetAttributes::SCALARS) or -1 if string does not name a known attribute type.

§ PolyDataDomain() [1/2]

ImageAttributes mirtk::PolyDataDomain ( vtkPolyData *  data,
double  dx = -1,
double  dy = -1,
double  dz = -1 

Determine bounding box of polydata points

[in]dataData set.
[in]dxDesired lattice spacing along x axis. If non-positive, the average interval between the x coordinates of the input points is used.
[in]dyDesired lattice spacing along y axis. If non-positive, the average interval between the y coordinates of the input points is used.
[in]dzDesired lattice spacing along z axis. If non-positive, the average interval between the z coordinates of the input points is used.
Attributes of oriented minimum-volume bounding box.

§ PolyDataDomain() [2/2]

ImageAttributes mirtk::PolyDataDomain ( vtkPolyData *  data,
const Vector3D< double > &  ds 

Determine bounding box of polydata points

[in]dataData set.
[in]dsDesired lattice spacing. If an entry is non-positive, the average interval between the coordinates of the input points along this axis is used.
Attributes of oriented minimum-volume bounding box.

§ PopPointEdges()

EdgeList mirtk::PopPointEdges ( EdgeList edges,
int  ptId 

Get list of edges with given end point and remove them from input list

[in]edgesList of edges.
[in]ptIdEdge end point.
List of edges, where ptId is always the first entry.

§ Print()

template<typename T , typename... Args>
std::ostream& mirtk::Print ( std::ostream &  os,
Args...  args 

Print any number of arguments to output stream, i.e., concatenating the string representations of the arguments

Definition at line 268 of file String.h.

§ ReadDFS()

vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> mirtk::ReadDFS ( const char *  fname)

Read BrainSuite surface from .dfs file

[in]fnameFile name.
Polygonal dataset. Dataset is empty if file could not be read.

§ ReadOFF()

vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> mirtk::ReadOFF ( const char *  fname)

Read polygonal dataset from Object File Format (.off) file

[in]fnameFile name.
Polygonal dataset. Dataset is empty if file could not be read.

§ ReadPointSet() [1/2]

vtkSmartPointer<vtkPointSet> mirtk::ReadPointSet ( const char *  fname,
bool  exit_on_failure = true 

Read point set from file

[in]fnameFile name.
[in]exit_on_failureCall exit when point set could not be read.
Point set. Dataset is empty if file could not be read and exit_on_failure is false.

§ ReadPointSet() [2/2]

vtkSmartPointer<vtkPointSet> mirtk::ReadPointSet ( const char *  fname,
FileOption fopt,
bool  exit_on_failure = true 

Read point set from file

[in]fnameFile name.
[out]foptInput file type option to be passed to WritePointSet in order to save point set again in an equivalent file format when the same file format extension is used.
[in]exit_on_failureCall exit when point set could not be read.
Point set. Dataset is empty if file could not be read and exit_on_failure is false.

§ ReadPointSetTable()

vtkSmartPointer<vtkPointSet> mirtk::ReadPointSetTable ( const char *  fname,
char  sep = ',',
vtkPointSet *  pointset = nullptr 

Read point set (attributes) from CSV file

This function reads point data arrays from the columns of a CSV file. The first line must contain the column names, i.e., a CSV header is expected. The number of rows must match the number of points in the reference point set when the CSV file does not contain three columns whose name matches the regular expression "((Point|Coord)\.)?(X|Y|Z)". Columns with a common name prefix including a trailing dot are combined into a single multi-component data array with component names following the '.' separator in the column name. For example, columns "Gradient.X", "Gradient.Y", and "Gradient.Z" are combined into one output point data array named "Gradient" with components "X", "Y", and "Z". The data is initially read into data arrays of type VTK_FLOAT. When all components can be converted lossless to an integral type, the output data array is converted to either VTK_SHORT or VTK_INT.

[in]fnameFile name.
[in]pointsetReference point set. When the table does not contain 'X', 'Y', and 'Z' columns with point set coordinates, the points of this reference point set are used. Moreover, topological information is not read from a table file and is thus inherited from the reference pointset. The output point set will have the same type as the reference pointset of which a shallow copy is made.
Polygonal dataset. Dataset is empty if file could not be read.

§ ReadPolyData() [1/2]

vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> mirtk::ReadPolyData ( const char *  fname,
bool  exit_on_failure = true 

Read polygonal dataset from file

[in]fnameFile name.
[in]exit_on_failureCall exit when point set could not be read.
Polygonal dataset. Dataset is empty if file could not be read and exit_on_failure is false.

§ ReadPolyData() [2/2]

vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> mirtk::ReadPolyData ( const char *  fname,
FileOption fopt,
bool  exit_on_failure = true 

Read polygonal dataset from file

[in]fnameFile name.
[out]foptInput file type option to be passed to WritePointSet in order to save point set again in an equivalent file format when the same file format extension is used.
[in]exit_on_failureCall exit when point set could not be read.
Polygonal dataset. Dataset is empty if file could not be read and exit_on_failure is false.

§ RigidParametersToMatrix() [1/3]

void mirtk::RigidParametersToMatrix ( double  tx,
double  ty,
double  tz,
double  cosrx,
double  cosry,
double  cosrz,
double  sinrx,
double  sinry,
double  sinrz,
Matrix m 

Construct 4x4 homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix from rigid transformation parameters. The output transformation matrix is the composition of a rotation followed by a translation, i.e.,

T = Translate * Rotate, where Rotate = (Rz Ry Rx)^T

This overloaded function is mainly used by the linear transformation classes such as in particular irtkRigidTransformation as these store the cosine and sine values of the rotation angles as members.
[in]txTranslation along x axis.
[in]tyTranslation along y axis.
[in]tzTranslation along z axis.
[in]cosrxCosine of rotation around x axis in radians.
[in]cosryCosine of rotation around y axis in radians.
[in]cosrzCosine of rotation around z axis in radians.
[in]sinrxSine of rotation around x axis in radians.
[in]sinrySine of rotation around y axis in radians.
[in]sinrzSine of rotation around z axis in radians.
[out]mHomogeneous transformation matrix.

§ RigidParametersToMatrix() [2/3]

void mirtk::RigidParametersToMatrix ( double  tx,
double  ty,
double  tz,
double  rx,
double  ry,
double  rz,
Matrix m 

Construct 4x4 homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix from rigid transformation parameters. The output transformation matrix is the composition of a rotation followed by a translation, i.e.,

T = Translate * Rotate

[in]txTranslation along x axis.
[in]tyTranslation along y axis.
[in]tzTranslation along z axis.
[in]rxRotation around x axis in radians.
[in]ryRotation around y axis in radians.
[in]rzRotation around z axis in radians.
[out]mHomogeneous transformation matrix.

§ RigidParametersToMatrix() [3/3]

Matrix mirtk::RigidParametersToMatrix ( double  tx,
double  ty,
double  tz,
double  rx,
double  ry,
double  rz 

Construct 4x4 homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix from rigid transformation parameters. The output transformation matrix is the composition of a rotation followed by a translation, i.e.,

T = Translate * Rotate, where Rotate = (Rz Ry Rx)^T

[in]txTranslation along x axis.
[in]tyTranslation along y axis.
[in]tzTranslation along z axis.
[in]rxRotation around x axis in radians.
[in]ryRotation around y axis in radians.
[in]rzRotation around z axis in radians.
Homogeneous transformation matrix.

Definition at line 1332 of file Matrix.h.

§ RobustAverageEdgeLength()

double mirtk::RobustAverageEdgeLength ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints >  ,
const EdgeTable  

Determine average edge length of point set given a precomputed edge table

This function only considers edges with a length within in the 5th and 95th percentile of all edge lengths. It thus ignores extrem short/long edges.

§ Split() [1/2]

Array<string> mirtk::Split ( string  s,
const char *  d,
int  n = 0,
bool  e = false,
bool  q = false 

Split string into parts separated by specified delimiting sequence of characters

sString to be split.
dDelimiting sequence of characters.
nMaximum number of parts. If zero, all parts are returned, if negative, the last n parts are returned, and if positive, the first n parts are returned.
eDiscard empty strings.
qDo not split quoted parts. Double quotes within quotes have to be escaped with a preceding backslash character.
Parts of the string.

§ Split() [2/2]

Array<string> mirtk::Split ( string  s,
char  d,
int  n = 0,
bool  e = false,
bool  q = false 

Split string into parts separated by specified delimiting character

sString to be split.
dDelimiting character.
nMaximum number of parts. If zero, all parts are returned, if negative, the last n parts are returned, and if positive, the first n parts are returned.
eDiscard empty strings.
qDo not split quoted parts. Double quotes within quotes have to be escaped with a preceding backslash character.
Parts of the string.

§ SShapedMembershipFunction()

double mirtk::SShapedMembershipFunction ( double  x,
double  a,
double  b 

S-shaped monotone increasing membership function whose value is in [0, 1] for x in [a, b]. It is equivalent to MATLAB's smf function.

Definition at line 238 of file Math.h.

§ StandardUnits()

string mirtk::StandardUnits ( const string &  str)

Convert units specification to standard lowercase string

For example, this function returns "vox" for any units specification allowed for voxel units including "voxel" and "VOxELS". Same for other units for which alternative units specifications are allowed. Removes enclosing brackets from units string if present, e.g., returns "mm" when the input string is "[mm]".

[in]strUnits specification string.
Standard units specification in all lowercase.

§ Throw()

template<typename... Args>
void mirtk::Throw ( ErrorType  err,
const char *  func,
Args...  args 

Raise error in function

The current implementation prints the error message to STDERR and terminates the program with exit code 1. In future releases, when all library code has been rewritten to use this function, a suitable runtime exception may be thrown instead.

[in]errType of error/exception.
[in]funcName of function which is throwing the error (i.e., func).
[in]argsError message. The given arguments are converted to strings using the ToString template function. These strings are then concatenated to produce the complete error message.

Definition at line 74 of file Exception.h.

§ ToTransformationType()

TransformationType mirtk::ToTransformationType ( TransformationModel  model,
const ImageAttributes domain 

Get type of (default) transformation which implements a specific model

The mapping from transformation model to transformtion type is not one-to-one. More then one transformation can be suitable for a transformation model. This function defines the default type used for each model. The base registration filter implementations make use of it, but a specialized registration filter can choose another transformation for a given model if desired.

For example, see ImageRegistrationFilter::TransformationType.

Definition at line 202 of file TransformationModel.h.

§ Trim()

string mirtk::Trim ( const string &  str)

Trim leading and trailing (whitespace) characters from string

[in]strInput string.
[in]whatSet of characters to remove from start and end of string.
String with leading and trailing (whitespace) characters removed.

§ TrimAll()

string mirtk::TrimAll ( const string &  str)

Remove (whitespace) characters from string

[in]strInput string.
[in]whatSet of characters to remove from string.
String with leading and trailing (whitespace) characters removed.

§ Union()

template<class T >
UnorderedSet<T> mirtk::Union ( const UnorderedSet< T > &  a,
const UnorderedSet< T > &  b 

Intersection of two unordered sets

set_union cannot be used for unsorted containers!

Definition at line 319 of file Algorithm.h.

§ ValueUnits()

string mirtk::ValueUnits ( const string &  str,
string *  value = nullptr,
const char *  dflt = "" 

Splits a parameter value string such as "1 mm", "1 [mm]", "1 2 3 mm", "foo [rel]"

When the parameter value is not numeric, the units specification must be enclosed in square brackets ([]) and separated by at least one white space character from the parameter value(s).
[in]strNumeric parameter value string with optional units specification.
[out]valueValue(s) of parameter without units specification.
[in]dfltDefault units if none specified.
Standard units string or dflt string if units specification missing.

§ WriteDFS()

bool mirtk::WriteDFS ( const char *  fname,
vtkPolyData *  polydata 

Write surface in BrainSuite .dfs format

[in]fnameFile name.
[in]polydataPolygonal dataset.
Whether surface was written successfully to the specified file.

§ WriteOFF()

bool mirtk::WriteOFF ( const char *  fname,
vtkPolyData *  polydata 

Write polygonal dataset to Object File Format (.off) file

[in]fnameFile name.
[in]polydataPolygonal dataset.
Whether dataset was written successfully to the specified file.

§ WritePointSet()

bool mirtk::WritePointSet ( const char *  fname,
vtkPointSet *  pointset,
FileOption  fopt = FO_Default 

Write point set to file

fnameFile name. The extension determines the output format.
pointsetPoint set to write.
foptWhether to use ASCII, binary, or compressed binary file format.
Whether point set was written successfully to the specified file.

§ WritePointSetTable()

bool mirtk::WritePointSetTable ( const char *  fname,
vtkPointSet *  pointset,
char  sep = ',',
bool  ids = true,
bool  coords = true 

Write point set (attributes) to CSV file

[in]fnameFile name.
[in]pointsetPoint set.
[in]idsWhether to save point IDs in first column.
[in]coordsWhether to save x, y, z point coordinate columns.

§ WritePolyData()

bool mirtk::WritePolyData ( const char *  fname,
vtkPolyData *  polydata,
FileOption  fopt = FO_Default 

Write polygonal dataset to file

fnameFile name. The extension determines the output format.
polydataPolydata to write.
foptWhether to use ASCII, binary, or compressed binary file format.
Whether point set was written successfully to the specified file.

§ WriteTetGenNode()

bool mirtk::WriteTetGenNode ( const char *  fname,
vtkPointSet *  pointset 

Write point set to TetGen .node file

fnameFile name.
pointsetPoint set.
Whether dataset was written successfully to the specified file.

§ WriteTetGenPoly()

bool mirtk::WriteTetGenPoly ( const char *  fname,
vtkPolyData *  polydata,
const PointSet holes = nullptr 

Write polygonal dataset to TetGen .poly file

fnameFile name.
polydataPolygonal dataset.
holesHole list.
Whether dataset was written successfully to the specified file.

§ WriteTetGenSMesh()

bool mirtk::WriteTetGenSMesh ( const char *  fname,
vtkPolyData *  polydata,
const PointSet holes = nullptr 

Write polygonal dataset to TetGen .smesh file

fnameFile name.
polydataPolygonal dataset.
holesHole list.
Whether dataset was written successfully to the specified file.

Variable Documentation

§ debug

MIRTK_Common_EXPORT int mirtk::debug

Debug level, e.g., amount of intermediate data to write to disk This flag can be combined with verbose after parsing the command options. For example, "if (debug) verbose = 100;", or treated separately.

Definition at line 105 of file Options.h.

§ debug_time

MIRTK_Common_EXPORT int mirtk::debug_time

Enable/disable profiling of execution time.

Should be set in the main function before any processing starts, e.g., depending on a command-line flag (for example -v -verbose). If less or equal to zero, no timing measurements are printed to screen. Otherwise, whether a timing measure is output or not depends on the set debugging level.