calculate-boundary-map <domain> <codomain> <output> [options]
Compute a surface boundary map suitable for the computation of a surface map to a 2D primitive shape such as a disk, square, or polygon.
Tesselation of the surface of the input shape.
File name of piecewise linear complex or name of primitive shape:
- disk (default)
- square
- polygon
Computed boundary map.
Command options¶
¶ Radius of primitive codomain shape. When non-positive, the radius is chosen such that the area matches the area of the input surface. (default: 0)
Uniformly distribute boundary points.
Map boundary curve proportionally to the boundary edge length.
Map each sub-segment defined by the selected points to the same output curve length with chord-length parameterization of each selected boundary sub-segment. (default)
¶ Indices of selected surface points. (default: none)
Standard options¶
¶ Increase/Set verbosity of output messages. (default: 0)
¶ Increase/Set debug level for output of intermediate results. (default: 0)
¶ Print version and exit or set version to emulate.
Print revision (or version) number only and exit.
Print help and exit.