

evaluate-distance <target> <source> [<output>] [options]


Evaluate distance between two given point sets. With increased verbosity (see evaluate-distance -v), the mean and standard deviation of the measured distances (verbosity level >=1) and the individual distance for each target point is reported (verbosity level >=2).



Target point set/surface.


Source point set/surface.


Output point set/surface with point data array of measured distances. (default: none)

Command options

-mask-name <name>

Name of input mask. (default: none)

-mask-erosion <n>

Number of iterations of mask erosions. (default: 0)

-mask-dilation <n>

Number of iterations of mask dilations. (default: 0)

-pad-value, -padding-value <value>

Floating point value for points with zero mask value. (default: NaN)

-undef-value, -undefined-value <value>

Value for undefined distance measures, e.g., normal does not intersect source. (default: NaN)

-nan-value <value>

Set both -pad-value and -undef-value to the specified value.

-dist-name, -name, -array <name>

Name of output point data array or column header. (default: Distance)

-digits, -precision <n>

Number of digits after the decimal point to print/write. (default: 5)

-table [<name>|stdout|cout|print]

Write statistics of distance measure in table format to named output file. When <name> is ‘stdout’, ‘cout’, or ‘print’, print table to standard output stream. (default: off)

-append, -noappend

Whether to append row to existing -table file. If table file exists, skip header and write measurements only. (default: off)

-header, -noheader

When -table given, write table header before row of measurements. (default: on)

-delim, -delimiter, -sep, -separator <str>

Column separator used for table of measured point distances. (default: t)


Evaluate minimum distance to closest point. (default for point clouds)


Evaluate minimum distance to closest surface point. (default for surface meshes)


Evaluate minimum distance along surface normal.


Evaluate distance between points with identical index, e.g., pairs of fiducial markers.


Report Hausdorff distance. (default: off)

Standard options

-v, -verbose [n]

Increase/Set verbosity of output messages. (default: 0)

-debug [level]

Increase/Set debug level for output of intermediate results. (default: 0)

-version [major.minor]

Print version and exit or set version to emulate.


Print revision (or version) number only and exit.

-h, -help

Print help and exit.