

evaluate-surface-overlap <target> <source> [options]


Reports label statistics given two surface meshes and a text file listing the indices of corresponding points. The labels have to be stored as named point data array in both datasets.



File name of target surface.


File name of source surface.

Command options

-corrin <file>

Name of text file listing the point-wise correspondences separated by spaces. (default: NN)

-pointdata <name>

Name of point data array storing labels. (default: labels)

-target-pointdata <name>

Name of target point data array storing labels. (default: labels)

-source-pointdata <name>

Name of source point data array storing labels. (default: labels)

-celldata <name>

Name of cell data array storing labels. (default: labels)

-target-celldata <name>

Name of target cell data array storing labels. (default: labels)

-source-celldata <name>

Name of source cell data array storing labels. (default: labels)

-sep <str>

Separating string between printed numbers. (default: ,)

-f, -feature <name> [<weight> [<#components>]]

Name of data array used as point/cell feature points to establish correspondences. Multiple features can be added to the feature vector with optionally different weight. The #components specifies to only use the first n components of the data array.

Standard options

-v, -verbose [n]

Increase/Set verbosity of output messages. (default: 0)

-debug [level]

Increase/Set debug level for output of intermediate results. (default: 0)

-version [major.minor]

Print version and exit or set version to emulate.


Print revision (or version) number only and exit.

-h, -help

Print help and exit.