

extract-pointset-surface [options]
extract-pointset-surface [<input>...] <output> [options]


Extract surface of point set. If more than one input point set is given, it computes the boundary of the union, intersection, or difference volume computed from the volumes defined by the individual input surfaces.

Output options

-source-array <name>

Add point/cell data array with the specified name with one-based labels corresponding to the input point set from which an output point/cell originates from. When the first input point set has a scalar array with the specified name, the labels of this first surface are preserved, while successive labels are offset by the maximum integer value of the input data array. This is useful when successively merging surface meshes instead of with a single execution of this command. (default: none)

-merge [<float>]

Merge points closer than the specified distance, default is 1e-6. (default: off)

-tolerance <float>

Distance tolerance value to use for boolean operations. (default: 1e-6)

-fill-holes [<size>]

Fill holes of given maximum size (i.e., circumsphere radius).

-largest [<n>]

Output largest n (default 1 if not specified) components.


Output sphere which is inscribed the surface mesh.


Output minimum sphere which fully contains the surface mesh.

-o -surface <file>

Write output surface mesh to named file.

-mask <file>

Write binary inside/outside mask to named image file.

-implicit <file>

Write signed implicit surface distance to named image file.

-outside, -nooutside

Swap inside/outside of output -mask and -implicit surface. (default: off)

-reference <image>

Reference image for -mask or -implicit output. (default: bounding box)

-resolution <float>

Resolution of -insphere, -mask, or -implicit output. (default: fraction of length of bounding box diagonal)

Standard options

-v, -verbose [n]

Increase/Set verbosity of output messages. (default: 0)

-debug [level]

Increase/Set debug level for output of intermediate results. (default: 0)

-version [major.minor]

Print version and exit or set version to emulate.


Print revision (or version) number only and exit.

-h, -help

Print help and exit.