

transform-points [options]
transform-points <input> <output> [options]


Applies one or more transformations to a set of points. Input point x, y, and z coordinates are either read from STDIN (space separated) or from a point set file. The corresponding transformed coordinates are then written either to STDOUT or an output point set file, respectively. If multiple transformations are specified, these are applied in the order as they appear on the command line.

Attention: When both :option:`transform-points -target` and :option:`transform-points -source` arguments are given,
           the points are first mapped from target world to image space and then
           the image to world transformation of the source image is applied.
           This is a relict from the corresponding IRTK command...

Command options

-dofin <file>...

Transformation or image file. When an image file is given, the image to world transformation is applied. The -invert can be used to transform points from world to image space. (default: identity)


Invert preceding transformation. (default: no)

-source <image>

Reference source image. (default: none)

-target <image>

Reference target image. (default: none)

-partial <n>

Transform the first n points and copy the rest. (default: #points)


Whether to recompute normals of input surface mesh. (default: off)


Whether to recompute point normals of input surface mesh. (default: off)


Whether to recompute cell normals of input surface mesh. (default: off)

-compress, -nocompress

Enable/disable compression of XML VTK file. (default: on)


Set file type of output legacy VTK file to ASCII. (default: input file type)


Set file type of output legacy VTK file to BINARY. (default: input file type)

Standard options

-v, -verbose [n]

Increase/Set verbosity of output messages. (default: 0)

-debug [level]

Increase/Set debug level for output of intermediate results. (default: 0)

-version [major.minor]

Print version and exit or set version to emulate.


Print revision (or version) number only and exit.

-h, -help

Print help and exit.