

copy-pointset-attributes <source> <target> [<output>] [options]


Copies point and/or cell data from a source point set to a target point set and writes the resulting amended point set to the specified output file. When no separate output file is specified, the target point set is overwritten. This command can also convert from point data to cell data and vice versa.

If the point sets have differing number of points or cells, respectively, zero entries are either added to the target arrays or only the first n tuples of the source arrays are copied. In case of the -points option, the remaining target points are kept unchanged.

If the <attr> argument is given to any of the option below, the copied data array is set as the new “scalars”, “vectors”, “tcoords”, or “normals” attribute, respectively, of the output point set.

When no options are given, the copy-pointset-attributes -scalars are copied over.



Point set from which to copy the point/cell data. Can also be a GIFTI file with only point data arrays. In this case, the coordinates and topology of the target surface are used to define the source surface.


Point set to which to add the point/cell data.


Output point set with copied point/cell data. If not specified, the target file is overwritten.

Command options


Copy “scalars” data set attribute. (default)


Copy “vectors” data set attribute.


Set points of target to “vectors” data set attribute of source.


Copy “normals” data set attribute.


Copy “tcoords” data set attribute.


Set points of target to “tcoords” data set attribute of source.

-points [<target_name> [<attr>]]

Add points of source as point data of target. When no <target_name> (and <attr>) specified, the points of the target point set are replaced by those of the source point set. If the target point set has more points than the source point set, the remaining points of the target point set are unchanged.

-pointdata <name|index> [<target_name> [<attr>]]

Name or index of source point data to copy.

-pointdata-as-points <name|index>

Replaces the points of the target point set by the first three components of the specified source point data array.

-pointdata-as-celldata <name|index>

Converts the specified point data array of the source point set to cell data and adds a corresponding cell data array to the target point set.

-pointmask <name>

Add point data array which indicates copied point data.

-celldata <name|index> [<target_name> [<attr>]]

Name or index of source cell data to copy.

-celldata-as-pointdata <name|index>

Converts the specified cell data array of the source point set to point data and adds a corresponding point data array to the target point set.

-cellmask <name>

Add cell data array which indicates copied cell data.


Lookup source arrays by case [in]sensitive name. (default: insensitive)


Use majority vote for resampling categorical data. (default)


Use unanimous vote for resampling categorical data.

Standard options

-v, -verbose [n]

Increase/Set verbosity of output messages. (default: 0)

-debug [level]

Increase/Set debug level for output of intermediate results. (default: 0)

-version [major.minor]

Print version and exit or set version to emulate.


Print revision (or version) number only and exit.

-h, -help

Print help and exit.

Terminal options

-color, -nocolor

Enable/disable colored output. (default: off)

Parallelization options

-threads <n>

Use maximal <n> threads for parallel execution. (default: automatic)